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Our players wrote:

„I like DL because it offers several possibili- ties of development to my character. And the game developers really seem eager to keep improving the game. I have been playing for over 3 years and the game has gained lots of new cool features and events. It is definitely the best online game I have ever played.”

Cruel01 – world 2

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World 1:
16665 players

Start Playing

  • In Doomlord you develop a unique fantasy character.
  • Other players cannot destroy your character or ruin your game.
  • It's an open-ended game, we surprise our players with continuous developments.
  • It doesn't need much time, if you can't play for a few days, you can catch up quickly!
  • While playing, you can test yourself with quiz questions.
  • It's free and you don't have to download anything!

More help and information: info{kukk}doomlord{ponty}net, or visit our forum!
DOOMLORD - A new generation of browser games!

Doomlord Christmas sale (2024-12-11)

Doomlord Christmas sale Christmas promotion
The Christmas promotion will launch together with the Christmas celebration events. Between 12th and 20th of December, if you buy ancient stones, you will get a gift pack on your first purchase, depending on the amount, or you can send it to a friend. One player can receive only one pack.

Christmas sale
Between 13th noon and 20th of Dec, we have a big Christmas sale: the soul-huckster gives 20% discount on the ancient stone price of all his merchandise (only items sold under "soul-huckster")! The same applies to the special daily offers during this time.
Also the duration of auctions in the auction house will be 24 hours instead of 72 hours! Grab your unique relics now!

Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
2024 Christmas events

The Doomlord Team

Tower of Challenge (2024-12-03)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week.

Doomlord november sale (2024-11-29)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 9 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 29th Nov - 6th of Dec.
See the details under "Ancient stones" menü! Please also note that we have added 4 new relics to the "Relics" menu.

City of Hope (2024-11-13)

City of Hope The grand new event of Doomlord begins today!
14 years has passed since the Doomlords reconquered the Surface from the Enemy. The first period was full of fight, but nowadays their rule is unquestionable. The constant skirmishes make the peace distant, it's time to rebuild the world.
The hordes join forces to build the City of Hope. Even the youngest can participate in the work.
Help to rebuild the City! Complete daily tasks, develop your city architect skills and get the privilege of an elite architect!
The event lasts for 21 days. Good luck to all!

Doomlord Beer Festival (2024-10-22)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Complete tasks and claim fabolous rewards!
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord new World 4 (2024-10-18)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe World 4 of the Doomlord browser game registration is now open, it begins next tuesday! Compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Doomlord Birthday (2024-09-20)

Doomlord 16th birthday Dear Players! We would like to announce our Doomlord Birthday sale!

The sale is between 20th of Sept and 4th of Oct. When you buy the ancient stones, you can specify a character to get the gift pack (you can specify yourself). Each player can receive only ONE gift pack! We will also have numerous other events, Eye of Beholder, special daily offers, quick auctions, spending gifts. See the details on the forum:
Doomlord 16th birthday topic

Happy Birthday, Doomlord!

Doomlord harvest (2024-09-11)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 11th of Sept and 29th of Sept, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Path of Loyalty (2024-09-09)

Path of LoyaltyToday, at 12am CET begins a new grand event, Path of Loyalty! It will last for 100 days. Log in to the game each day, claim the daily rewards, build the buildings, hatch the eggs, research the relics, and finally, make the Key of Loyalty, needed for the final trial!
The event runs parallel with other mini events. It will keep coming back once every year. To participate, look for the Path of Loyalty button in the left menu. At the soul huckster, look for the egg warmer gloves which can help you during the event. See additional details on the forum!

Ruler of the Planet (2024-09-03)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Landragor returns (2024-08-06)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started today. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Summer vacation (2024-07-23)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2022 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for various rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum.

Doomlord July sale (2024-07-08)

Dear Players!
Here is our conventional Summer Sale promotion! The promotion is between 8th and 16th of July. When you buy ancient stones, you get fabolous gift packs! You can also get special daily offers, shortened auctions, Eye of the Beholder, special items in the shop, and gift packs for spending ancient stones! More details on the forum:,302.0

The Pit of Doom (2024-07-03)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait!

Doomlord multiple quests, legendary rings and necklaces (2024-07-02)

multiple questsDear Players, we added some new features to the game, including doing multiple quests at once, and legendary rings and necklaces. Please check our news topic for further details!

Doomlord June sale (2024-06-19)

Doomlord June saleDear Players, we are running a sale promotion from 19th of June until 28th. If you buy ancient stones during this period, you will receive a fabolous gift pack (only one pack per player). You can review the gifts when you click on the Ancient stones button ingame.

Server maintenance (2024-06-04)

SzerverkarbantartásDear Players, The game will be unavailable due to maintenance tomorrow, 5th of June, between 10:00 and 10:15 (CET). We apologize for the inconvenience.

Doomlord Spring Festival (2024-05-14)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 14th and 29th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar. new reward: temple wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

xeno invasion (2024-05-09)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Tower of Challenge (2024-04-30)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week.

Server maintenance (2024-04-30)

Dear Players, we received information from the data centre that they will have maintenance from 8am CET, 1st of May (tomorrow). It is possible that during this time the game will be unavailable for a short period of time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Doomlord new World 4 (2024-04-29)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe World 4 of the Doomlord browser game registration is now open, it begins tomorrow! Compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Ruler of the Planet (2024-04-09)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord Easter (2024-03-28)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 7th and 18th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
3 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 10 colored eggs, 1 lesser dim.door stimulator, 6 ancient golden jokers, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 70 mytokronit jokers
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 divine cube, 20 colored eggs, 2 royal seals, 4 lesser dim.door stimulators, 15 ancient golden jokers, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 200 mytokronit jokers
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
4 divine cube, 40 colored eggs, 1 pit wand, 9 lesser dim.door stimulators, 30 ancient golden jokers, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 600 mytokronit jokers
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
8 divine cube, 100 colored eggs, 2 pit wand, 20 lesser dim.door stimulators, 60 ancient golden jokers, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 1500 mytokronit jokers

Doomlord Easter (2024-03-26)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
The Doomlord Easter events has started! Complete tasks, collect eggs and exchange them for fabolous rewards for the next 17 days!
On Wednesday begins our sale and other promotions! See the details on the forum.
Happy Easter to all!

City of Hope (2024-03-13)

City of Hope The grand new event of Doomlord begins today!
14 years has passed since the Doomlords reconquered the Surface from the Enemy. The first period was full of fight, but nowadays their rule is unquestionable. The constant skirmishes make the peace distant, it's time to rebuild the world.
The hordes join forces to build the City of Hope. Even the youngest can participate in the work.
Help to rebuild the City! Complete daily tasks, develop your city architect skills and get the privilege of an elite architect!
The event lasts for 21 days. Good luck to all!

Landragor returns (2024-03-01)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started today. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Valentine's day (2024-02-12)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 12th and 23th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
We have increased the number of gifts significantly! See more details on the forum:
Doomlord Valentine's day promotion

Doomlord Carnival (2024-02-06)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 6th and 21th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards. Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

The Pit of Doom (2024-02-01)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait!

Doomlord mega-patch (2024-01-30)

Dear Players, Unfortunately the last patch caused more trouble than we expected, so I wrote an explanation on the forum:
Mega-patch forum
We try to solve all problems asap, hopefully you don't have to wait for long. We will add a second compensation as well. Thanks for your patience!

Server maintenance (2024-01-24)

Dear Players, The game will be unavailable due to maintenance tomorrow, 25th of January, between 12:00 and 13:00 (CET). We apologize for the inconvenience.

War of the Hucksters (2024-01-09)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord online game, the War of the Hucksters is up and running! You can still register for the event until 13th of May, then the registration closes. Click on the War icon next to your portrait to join!
See more details on the forum!

Happy New Year! (2023-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! You can check the event calendar here for the next year:,293.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2023-12-14)

Doomlord Christmas sale Christmas promotion
The Christmas promotion will launch together with the Christmas celebration events. Between 14th and 22th of December, if you buy ancient stones, you will get a gift pack on your first purchase, depending on the amount, or you can send it to a friend. One player can receive only one pack.

Christmas sale
Between 15th noon and 22th of Dec, we have a big Christmas sale: the soul-huckster gives 20% discount on the ancient stone price of all his merchandise (only items sold under "soul-huckster")! The same applies to the special daily offers during this time.
Also the duration of auctions in the auction house will be 24 hours instead of 72 hours! Grab your unique relics now!

Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
2023 Christmas events

The Doomlord Team

City of Hope (2023-11-14)

City of Hope The grand new event of Doomlord begins today!
14 years has passed since the Doomlords reconquered the Surface from the Enemy. The first period was full of fight, but nowadays their rule is unquestionable. The constant skirmishes make the peace distant, it's time to rebuild the world.
The hordes join forces to build the City of Hope. Even the youngest can participate in the work.
Help to rebuild the City! Complete daily tasks, develop your city architect skills and get the privilege of an elite architect!
The event lasts for 21 days. Good luck to all!

Doomlord Beer Festival (2023-10-24)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Complete tasks and claim fabolous rewards!
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

xeno invasion (2023-10-03)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Doomlord Birthday (2023-09-22)

Doomlord 15th birthday Dear Players! We would like to announce our Doomlord Birthday sale!

The sale is between 22th of Sept and 6th of Oct. When you buy the ancient stones, you can specify a character to get the gift pack (you can specify yourself). Each player can receive only ONE gift pack! See the details on the forum:
Doomlord 15th birthday topic

Happy Birthday, Doomlord!

Doomlorg mega-patch (2023-09-20)

Doomlord mega-patch 2023 Dear Players,
We have added a lot of new things to the international Doomlord server from the original servers, including Gigantic Pit of Doom, doing again The Search, new AA abilities, many comfort functions and features. You can find the full list on our forum. Have fun playing!
The Doomlord team

Doomlord harvest (2023-09-15)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 14th of Sept and 1st of Oct, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet (2023-09-01)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord new World 4 (2023-08-01)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Landragor returns (2023-07-11)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started today. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.


Dear Players!
We would like to announce our Summer Sale promotion! The promotion is between 5th and 13th of July. When you buy the ancient stones, you can specify a character to get the gift pack (you can specify yourself). Each player can receive only ONE gift pack! To make the gift packs even more fexible, we added "jokers" where you can choose your reward

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 1 monster cocktail, 1 chest of universe, 1 ancient golden joker.
100 ancient stones purchase:
1 royal seal, 1 divine potion, 1 squeezing medal, 3 chests of universe, 30 temple crystals, 20 golden ducats, 6 ancient golden jokers.
350 ancient stones purchase:
2 divine cube*, 1 fetish joker, 2 squeezing medals, 10 chests of universe, 70 temple crystals, 50 golden ducats, 15 ancient golden jokers.
750 ancient stones purchase:
4 divine cube*, 2 fetish jokers, 4 squeezing medals, 20 chests of universe, 150 temple crystals, 100 golden ducats, 30 ancient golden jokers.
1600 ancient stones purchase:
8 divine cube*, 4 fetish jokers, 8 squeezing medals, 40 chests of universe, 300 temple crystals, 250 golden ducats, 70 ancient golden jokers.


Doomlord June sale (2023-06-16)

Doomlord June saleDear Players, we are running a sale promotion from 16th of June until 24th. If you buy ancient stones during this period, you will receive a fabolous gift pack (only one pack per player). You can review the gifts when you click on the Ancient stones button ingame. Also we have added 8 grand new relics under the Relics page, check them out!

The Pit of Doom (2023-06-01)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!

Doomlord Spring Festival (2023-05-16)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 16th and 31st of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar. new reward: temple wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord Easter (2023-04-07)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 7th and 18th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
3 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 10 colored eggs, 1 lesser dim.door stimulator, 6 ancient golden jokers, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 70 mytokronit jokers
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 divine cube, 20 colored eggs, 2 royal seals, 4 lesser dim.door stimulators, 15 ancient golden jokers, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 200 mytokronit jokers
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
4 divine cube, 40 colored eggs, 1 pit wand, 9 lesser dim.door stimulators, 30 ancient golden jokers, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 600 mytokronit jokers
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
8 divine cube, 100 colored eggs, 2 pit wand, 20 lesser dim.door stimulators, 60 ancient golden jokers, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 1500 mytokronit jokers

Doomlord Easter (2023-04-04)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
The Doomlord Easter events has started! Complete tasks, collect eggs and exchange them for fabolous rewards for the next 17 days!
On Wednesday begins our sale and other promotions! See the details on the forum.
Happy Easter to all!

City of Hope (2023-03-14)

City of Hope The grand new event of Doomlord begins today!
14 years has passed since the Doomlords reconquered the Surface from the Enemy. The first period was full of fight, but nowadays their rule is unquestionable. The constant skirmishes make the peace distant, it's time to rebuild the world.
The hordes join forces to build the City of Hope. Even the youngest can participate in the work.
Help to rebuild the City! Complete daily tasks, develop your city architect skills and get the privilege of an elite architect!
The event lasts for 21 days. Good luck to all!

Doomlord maintenance (2023-02-28)

**IMPORTANT NOTICE!!** Date has changed from 1st to 2nd of March.

We will have a scheduled maintenance on 2nd of March, 7am (CET), for approx. 30 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.

xeno invasion (2023-02-21)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Doomlord is up again (2023-02-14)

Dear Players! Doomlord was unavailable for 30+ hours. As we learned, the providers' central server, where the game and other services run, was subject to an outside attack, and repairing the damage took a lot of time. We do not believe a sufficient compensation exists for such a long downtime, but we will provide a big pack anyway, completed with 200 free ancient stones. We will also set rhe pets morale to 100%, restore loyalty bonuses. Duel will be available only from 22pm CET so people who are not immediately aware of the server being online are not being robbed. And of course, we deeple apoligize for the inconvenience. Especially since we had a downtime a few weeks ago, due to a global shortage, which will be supervised between 20pm 14th and 5am 15th of February, let's hope that does not generate any additional downtime. Thanks everyone for the patience, your feedback on the forum and support is welcome.

Doomlord maintenance (2023-02-12)

Doomlord server move Between 14th of February 8pm and 5am (CET) there will be maintenance in our server room. We expect the webpage to be available during this time, but short lapses are possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Doomlord World 4 has started (2023-02-01)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Doomlord Carnival (2023-01-31)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 1st and 16th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards. Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet (2023-01-04)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Happy New Year! (2022-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! You can check the event calendar here for the next year:,293.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Merry Christmas! (2022-12-23)

Doomlord Christmas Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
Although we will continue to give support during the holidays, we apologize for the extended response time. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2022-12-15)

Doomlord Christmas sale Christmas promotion
The Christmas promotion will launch together with the Christmas celebration events. Between 15th and 22th of December, if you buy ancient stones, you will get a gift pack on your first purchase, depending on the amount, or you can send it to a friend. One player can receive only one pack.

Christmas sale
Between 16th noon and 23th of Dec, we have a big Christmas sale: the soul-huckster gives 20% discount on the ancient stone price of all his merchandise (only items sold under "soul-huckster")! The same applies to the special daily offers during this time.
Also the duration of auctions in the auction house will be 24 hours instead of 72 hours! Grab your unique relics now!

Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
2022 Christmas events

The Doomlord Team

Doomlord November sale (2022-11-25)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 8 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 25th Nov - 2nd of Dec.
See the details under "Ancient stones" menü!

City of Hope (2022-11-14)

City of Hope The grand new event of Doomlord begins today!
14 years has passed since the Doomlords reconquered the Surface from the Enemy. The first period was full of fight, but nowadays their rule is unquestionable. The constant skirmishes make the peace distant, it's time to rebuild the world.
The hordes join forces to build the City of Hope. Even the youngest can participate in the work.
Help to rebuild the City! Complete daily tasks, develop your city architect skills and get the privilege of an elite architect!
The event lasts for 21 days. Good luck to all!

Doomlord: Return of the gods (2022-10-27)

Doomlord: Return of the gods The power of the gods is granted by their followers. When the number of followers diminish, contact to them is lost, their influence disappears. But even when this happens, the gods are immortal beings, they continue to live on other planes of existence even if they lose their followers.

When the Enemy has almost destroyed life on Ghalla, and only a handful of galetki survived deep below the Mountain, along with some other creatures who fled there, it was natural that religion has disappeared from the world. As the galetki grew in number and power, and eventually reentered the Surface and conquered it, there was no one to teach them that there were gods a thousand year ago, who await the return of followers, and to be able to help restore the world. Until now...

Dear Players! Our new event, the Return of the gods has started! This is not a time-based event, every player can complete it once during their story, whenever they like. To participate, click on the left on the Gods of Ghalla button! The event consists of many tasks, some requires teamwork. Good luck, may the gods watch over you!

Doomlord Beer Festival (2022-10-24)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Complete tasks and claim fabolous rewards!
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Landragor returns (2022-10-03)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started today. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Birthday (2022-09-22)

Doomlord 14th birthday Dear Players! We would like to announce our Doomlord Birthday sale!

The sale is between 22th of Sept and 6th of Oct. When you buy the ancient stones, you can specify a character to get the gift pack (you can specify yourself). Each player can receive only ONE gift pack! See the details on the forum:
Doomlord 14th birthday topic

Happy Birthday, Doomlord!

Doomlord wine-harvest (2022-09-14)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 14th of Sept and 1st of Oct, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.


The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!

Doomlord maintenance (2022-08-29)

Doomlord server move Dear Players, Tomorrow, on 30th of August, between 17pm and 20pm CET (11am and 14pm EST), the Doomlord server will be unavailable due to maintenance. Expected downtime might last longer. We apologize for the inconvenience, ingame-compensation will be available.

Doomlord Summer vacation (2022-08-10)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2022 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for various rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum.

The Doomlord World 4 registration is open! (2022-07-29)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Tuesday, 14pm CET (8 am EST)

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2022-06-22)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall remember forever the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. These celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 22nd June and 7th of July runs our annual mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
During the event, you can buy from the soul-huckster the following: hunter's loot (lesser and greater) and subplasma detector.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord Spring Festival (2022-05-16)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 16th and 31st of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar. new reward: temple wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

Server downtime (2022-05-10)

Dear Players, te server had a long downtime yesterday. We apologize for the problem, and added a compensation for you, which you can claim soon.

Tower of Challenge (2022-05-09)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week.

Ruler of the Planet (2022-04-20)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2022-04-13)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Tuesday, 14pm CET (8 am EST)

Also the Ruler of the Planet event begins in 1 week. You can already buy the daily Package of Dread on the Daily routines page!.

Doomlord Easter (2022-04-04)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
The Doomlord Easter events has started! Complete tasks, collect eggs and exchange them for fabolous rewards for the next 17 days!
On Wednesday begins our sale and other promotions! See the details on the forum.
Happy Easter to all!

City of Hope (2022-03-14)

City of Hope The grand new event of Doomlord begins today!
14 years has passed since the Doomlords reconquered the Surface from the Enemy. The first period was full of fight, but nowadays their rule is unquestionable. The constant skirmishes make the peace distant, it's time to rebuild the world.
The hordes join forces to build the City of Hope. Even the youngest can participate in the work.
Help to rebuild the City! Complete daily tasks, develop your city architect skills and get the privilege of an elite architect!
The event lasts for 21 days. Good luck to all!

Doomlord Carnival (2022-02-01)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 1st and 16th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards. Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2022-01-28)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on February 1, 14pm CET (8 am EST).


The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!

Doomlord Christmas sale (2021-12-15)

Doomlord Christmas sale Today begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. *** We also added 4 brand new relics to the Relics section! *** You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 22th of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
2021 Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord November sale (2021-11-22)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 9 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 22th Nov - 30th of Nov.
See the details on the forum:
Doomlord November sale details

Also do not forget to check out our Black Friday daily offers on 25th and 26th of November!

Doomlord Beer Festival (2021-11-10)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 10th November and 26th of November runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival!
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2021-10-21)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe new world 4 of Doomlord has started! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Doomlord wine-harvest (2021-09-15)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 15th of Sept and 1st of Oct, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Tower of Challenge (2021-09-06)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week.

Ruler of the Planet (2021-08-16)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2021-08-03)

Doomlord level 60 world launchA New world 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Server downtime (2021-07-18)

Dear Players, te server had a long downtime yesterday. We apologize for the problem, and added a compensation for you, which you can claim after logging in.

Landragor returns (2021-07-05)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started today. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Summer sale and events (2021-07-02)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin on Monday. If you buy ancient stones between 5th and 14th of July, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). Also we will have a spender event, 24 hour auctions, reduced prices, Eye of the Beholder, special daily offers! See more details on the forum:,283.0

Enjoy the Summer with us! The Doomlord Team


The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!

Doomlord Spring Festival (2021-05-13)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 12th and 28th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar. new reward: temple wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

War of the Hucksters (2021-05-10)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord online game, the War of the Hucksters is up and running! You can still register for the event until 13th of May, then the registration closes. Click on the War icon next to your portrait to join!
See more details on the forum!

Friday maintenance 11am-12:30 CET (2021-04-28)

Dear Players, on 30th April, between 11am and 12:30 the game will be unavailable due to a maintenance. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Tower of Challenge (2021-04-26)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish! We also add new rewards this time.
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week, it will end next Monday at 10 am CET (4 am EST).

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2021-04-15)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Monday, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Doomlord Easter (2021-04-01)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 1st and 12th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 2 colored eggs, 1 lesser dim.door stimulator, 6 ancient golden jokers, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 70 mytokronit jokers
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
1 temple wand, 20 colored eggs, 2 royal seals, 4 lesser dim.door stimulators, 15 ancient golden jokers, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 200 mytokronit jokers
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
2 temple wands, 40 colored eggs, 5 royal seals, 9 lesser dim.door stimulators, 30 ancient golden jokers, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 600 mytokronit jokers
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
4 temple wands, 100 colored eggs, 10 royal seals, 20 lesser dim.door stimulators, 60 ancient golden jokers, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 1500 mytokronit jokers

Also until 8th of April runs the Easter sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, Eye of Beholder (under soul-huckster), sale of special items (minion crystals, easter chests, hunters loot, enchanted pet food etc), and huge bonus packs for spending stones.
And thirdly, but not lastly, the Easter mini-events begin tomorrow! Complete quests, collect eggs and exchange them for valuable rewards. Happy Easter to all :)

Xeno invasion (2021-03-17)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Ruler of the Planet (2021-02-22)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord Valentine's day (2021-02-12)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 12th and 21th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
3 energy concentrate, 1 carnival mask, 3 luck coupons
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 temple wand, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival masks, 40 mytokronit jokers, 2 loyalty shards, 10 luck coupons
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 temple wands, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival masks, 120 mytokronit jokers, 6 loyalty shards, 25 luck coupons
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
4 temple wands, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival masks, 250 mytokronit joker, 14 loyalty shards, 50 luck coupons
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
7 temple wands, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 25 carnival masks, 600 mytokronit jokers, 30 loyalty shards, 100 luck coupons

Doomlord Carnival (2021-02-07)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 3rd and 18th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards. Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Argum City - new game from Beholder (2021-02-04)

New Beholder game: Argum CityDear Players! We have just released a new game, Argum City! It's a futuristic building, exploring game, with adventures, character development, robot battles, minigames and many more. You can check it here:
Like Doomlord, you can play it from PC, in your browser. It's a free to play game with many things to do. You can also download it for your Android device from Playstore.

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2021-01-29)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Monday, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Landragor returns (2021-01-11)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started today. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Happy New Year! (2020-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! You can check the event calendar here for the next year:,282.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2020-12-15)

Doomlord Christmas sale Today begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 22th of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Christmas mini-events (2020-12-09)

Doomlord Christmas events Dear Players, the Doomlord Christmas mini-event series will start today at 10 am, CET. You can find the tasks
in this forum topic.
Soon, we will also post details about the coming Christmas sale, spending promotion and other events, so stay tuned :)

Support server maintenance (2020-12-08)

Dear Players, our support server will be unavailable due to maintenance today night between 10:30pm and 2am (GMT+1 time). This affects only support, not the Doomlord server.

Doomlord new relics (2020-11-26)

New relicsDear Players, we have added 4 new relics to the "Relics" page, you can find them just below the minions. Also, don't forget to check out our Black Friday daily offer tomorrow!

Doomlord November sale (2020-11-20)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 11 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 20th Nov - 30th of Nov.
See the details on the forum:
Doomlord November sale details

Also do not forget to check out our Black Friday daily offer on next Friday!

Pit of Doom (2020-11-10)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!

Doomlord Beer Festival (2020-10-26)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 26th October and 10th of November runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival!
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

War of the Hucksters (2020-10-12)

Doomlord War of HuckstersAttention! The registration for Doomlords grand event, the War of the Hucksters will close in 4 days! Click on the War icon next to your portrait to join!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Birthday (2020-09-18)

Doomlord 12th birthday Doomlord is celebrating its 12th birthday on 22th of September!

For this special occassion, we prepared a number of unique programs and surprises. Sale from 18th, and unique events from 21th of September: 20-50% discounts, gifts, 24 hour auctions with some very special items, spender packages, Beholder eye with 10 rolls. See the details on the forum:
Doomlord 12th birthday topic

Please also note we have added Minion championship to the game! Take your minions to the battle! Click on the Misc button and find Minion championship to sign up.

Doomlord wine-harvest (2020-09-16)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 16th of Sept and 1st of Oct, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Tower of Challenge (2020-09-07)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish! We also add new rewards this time.
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week, it will end next Monday at 10 am CET (4 am EST).

Doomlord new World 4 (2020-08-03)

Doomlord world 4 launchDear Players, the new world 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Fight with your clan for the top ranking, and win ancient stones and medal for your character on the main world!
You can register for the world 4 here.

Doomlord Summer events (2020-07-29)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2020 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for various rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum.

Please also note that we are running various other events in the next 8 days as well! Reduced prices, Eye of the Beholder, 24 hour auctions, special daily offers and bonus packs for ancient stones spent!
See more details here

Doomlord Summer sale (2020-07-17)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin today. If you buy ancient stones between 17th and 26th of July, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). See more details on the forum:,277.0

Enjoy the Summer vacation! The Doomlord Team

New relics (2020-07-15)

Doomlord new relicsDear Players, we have added new relics to the game! You can find them under the Relics menu.

Ruler of the Planet (2020-07-07)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Search for the Enemy (2020-07-02)

Search for the Enemy Dear Players, we added a huge update to the game today! The main feature is "The Search". You can access it via the button with the same name, at the end of the Actions button list.
The time has come, the doomlords feel powerful enough to take revenge for the destruction of their planet. The goal of The Search is find the home planet of the Enemy, and destroy their entire race. The grandest plan in the history of the doomlords - maybe too grand, too arrogant. Nevertheless, your race is ready to face this challenge. The Search begins with finding the first clue. Not all players have to do this step - if a few of you finds the first clue, the rest will be able to move on. The Search will be a long process, taking many months, so be patient. Some steps require resources, some stamina, and some cooperation with others. This is NOT a time-dependant event. Anyone can do it after reaching level 50, there is no deadline, do it in your own, comfortable rhytm.
And, like you would expect is such a case, fabolous rewards await you at the end... The mystical tatoos, which can make you true gods.

Doomlord June sale (2020-06-23)

Doomlord June sale Dear Players, for the following 10 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 23th June -2nd of July (from Tuesday to next Thursday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 1 monster cocktail, 1 chest of universe, 1 ancient golden joker

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 2 monster cocktails, 3 chests of universe, 10 temple crystals, 20 golden ducats, 6 ancient golden jokers, 60 mytokronit jokers

350 ancient stones purchase:
1 fetish joker, 1 Diamond of Ascension, 10 chests of universe, 30 temple crystals, 50 golden ducats, 15 ancient golden jokers, 180 mytokronit jokers

750 ancient stones purchase:
2 fetish jokers, 1 squeezing medal, 20 chests of universe, 65 temple crystals, 100 golden ducats, 30 ancient golden jokers, 400 mytokronit jokers

1600 ancient stones purchase:
3 fetish jokers, 1 crystal mytoaffinity, 40 chests of universe, 170 temple crystals, 250 golden ducats, 70 ancient golden jokers, 900 mytokronit jokers

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2020-06-18)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall remember forever the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. These celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 17th June and 1st of July runs our annual mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
During the event, you can buy from the soul-huckster the following: hunter's loot (lesser and greater) and subplasma detector.
See more details on the forum, here.

Landragor returns (2020-06-02)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

On Tuesday, the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started. Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Spring Festival (2020-05-14)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 14th and 30th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar. new reward: temple wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

Pit of Doom (2020-05-05)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Tower of Challenge (2020-04-27)

Tower of Challenge The grand event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week, it will end next Monday at 10 am CET (4 am EST).
Please note If you reached at least level 52 previously, this time you will start from "your last level"-50 instead of level 1!

Doomlord World 4 start a level 60 character! (2020-04-17)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Monday, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Doomlord Easter sale and promotions (2020-04-10)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 10th and 20th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 2 colored eggs, 1 lesser dim.door stimulator, 6 ancient golden jokers, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 40 mytokronit jokers
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
1 temple wand, 20 colored eggs, 2 royal seals, 4 lesser dim.door stimulators, 15 ancient golden jokers, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 120 mytokronit jokers
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
2 temple wands, 40 colored eggs, 5 royal seals, 9 lesser dim.door stimulators, 30 ancient golden jokers, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 250 mytokronit jokers
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
4 temple wands, 100 colored eggs, 10 royal seals, 20 lesser dim.door stimulators, 60 ancient golden jokers, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 600 mytokronit jokers

On the next day, from 10am CET, begins the Easter sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, Eye of Beholder (under soul-huckster), sale of special items (minion crystals, easter chests, hunters loot, enchanted pet food etc), and huge bonus packs for spending stones. These sales will also last until 18th of April. Happy Easter!

Doomlord Easter (2020-04-08)

Doomlord Easter Since the Surface has been re-conquered, the world became fertile again. The doomlords try to remember how their ancients lived before the exile. Summoning the memory of ancient festivals can break the monotony of the everyday routine. Lady Alvariel offers special relics to those who can collect the color-painted xenomorf eggs and help to live again the ancient festival, Easter. Between 8th and 24th of April runs our new mini-event, Easter, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the egg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Stay at home and play Doomlord (2020-03-26)

Doomlord Huckster WarWe would like to join the Stay at home movement as well. Every Doomlord player (active and inactive as well) gets a gift: 30 potions of duel, 30 hunter potions, 3 enchanted pet food and 30 ancient stones (min. level 3!) Exchange the ancient stones to premium membership or anything you like, log into the game, and join the Hucksters War which has started recently! (we have extended the Huckster event registration until 28th of March).
You can claim the rewards on the daily routines page, until 31th of March. Have fun playing,
The Doomlord Team

War of the Hucksters registration (2020-03-19)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on next Monday, 14am CET (8am EST). The registration closes one week after the start, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Valentine's day (2020-02-14)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 14th and 25th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
3 energy concentrate, 1 carnival mask, 50 ectoplasm
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
3 orc beer, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival masks, 40 mytokronit jokers, 2 loyalty shards, 250 ectoplasm
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
1 fetish joker, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival masks, 120 mytokronit jokers, 6 loyalty shards, 1000 ectoplasm
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
2 fetish jokers, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival masks, 250 mytokronit joker, 14 loyalty shards, 2500 ectoplasm
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
3 fetish jokers, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 25 carnival masks, 600 mytokronit jokers, 30 loyalty shards, 6000 ectoplasm

Doomlord new World 4 (2020-02-06)

Doomlord world 4 launchDear Players, the registration for the new triple speed world 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Fight with your clan for the top ranking, and win ancient stones and medal for your character on the main world!
You can preregister for the world 4 here.

The World will launch on Monday, 10th of February, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Doomlord Carnival (2020-02-05)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 5th and 20th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards. Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet results (2020-02-04)

Doomlord Ruler of the Planet results The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet is over. The title went for the next 6 months to

Congratulations to all who have reached the top of the pyramid! The next event coming up is the Doomlord Carnival mini-events, starting on Wednesday!

Ruler of the Planet (2020-01-14)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started today at 12am CET (6 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Happy New Year! (2019-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! In 2020, coming up the grand event where the doomlords finally find the planet of the Enemy and confront them there. And we will keep you busy with the usual major and mini events, you can check the event calendar here:,272.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2019-12-16)

Doomlord Christmas sale Today at 12am CET begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 23th of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Christmas mini-events (2019-12-05)

Doomlord Christmas events Dear Players, the Doomlord Christmas mini-event series will start today at 10 am, CET. You can find the tasks
in this forum topic.
Soon, we will also post details about the coming Christmas sale, spending promotion and other events, so stay tuned :)

Landragor returns (2019-11-14)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Beer Festival (2019-10-24)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 24th October and 8th of November runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival! The rewards must be claimed until 17th of November.
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Pit of Doom (2019-10-03)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that there is no Pit of Damnation this month!
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Doomlord level 60 world (2019-09-26)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Friday, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Doomlord wine-harvest (2019-09-16)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 16th of Sept and 1st of Oct, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Tower of Challenge (2019-09-09)

Tower of Challenge The grand new event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week, it will end next Monday at 10 am CET (4 am EST).
Please note If you reached at least level 52 previously, this time you will start from "your last level"-50 instead of level 1!

War of the Hucksters registration (2019-08-13)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on next Tuesday, 14am CET (8am EST). The registration closes one week after the start, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Summer vacation events (2019-07-31)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2019 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for the legendary sun fetish, a fetish shard, pit wand (new!) or other rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum. You can access the event by clicking on the icon to the left of your portrait. Have fun!

Doomlord Summer sale (2019-07-22)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin today. If you buy ancient stones between 22th of July and 5th of August, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). Also, you can enjoy the following promotions between 23th July and 30th of July: 20% discount on ancient stone prices at the soul-huckster, sale of unique items, "Eye of the Beholder" luck wheel at the soul-huckster, special unique daily offers, 24 hour auctions, and awesome gift packs as rewards for ancient stones spent. See more details on the forum:,258.0

Enjoy the Summer vacation! The Doomlord Team

Doomlord World 4 (2019-07-12)

Doomlord world 4The triple speed new World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has started! Play a fast paced, limited time game, win ancient stones and medals for your character on the main world! You can register here.

The World 4 started on Friday, 12th of July, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Xeno invasion (2019-07-09)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Doomlord new W4 (2019-07-08)

Doomlord world 4 launchDear Players, the registration for the new triple speed world 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Fight with your clan for the top ranking, and win ancient stones and medal for your character on the main world!
You can preregister for the world 4 here.

The World will launch on Friday, 12th of July, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Doomlord June sale (2019-06-21)

Doomlord June sale Dear Players, for the following 10 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 21th-30th of June (from Friday to next Sunday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 1 monster cocktail, 1 chest of universe, 1 ancient golden joker

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 2 monster cocktails, 3 chests of universe, 10 temple crystals, 20 golden ducats, 6 ancient golden jokers, 60 mytokronit jokers

350 ancient stones purchase:
1 fetish joker, 1 Diamond of Ascension, 10 chests of universe, 30 temple crystals, 50 golden ducats, 15 ancient golden jokers, 180 mytokronit jokers

750 ancient stones purchase:
2 fetish jokers, 1 squeezing medal, 20 chests of universe, 65 temple crystals, 100 golden ducats, 30 ancient golden jokers, 400 mytokronit jokers

1600 ancient stones purchase:
3 fetish jokers, 1 crystal mytoaffinity, 40 chests of universe, 170 temple crystals, 250 golden ducats, 70 ancient golden jokers, 900 mytokronit jokers

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2019-06-19)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall remember forever the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. These celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 19th June and 3rd of July (starting at 10am CET) runs our annual mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
During the event, you can buy from the soul-huckster the following: hunter's loot (lesser and greater) and subplasma detector. Please also note that we added 2 new rewards, temple wand and pit wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet (2019-05-30)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet will start today at 12am CET (6 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Please also note that we have increased the maximum level of the Megaessence AA ability by 10 so those who have already maxed this ability can still complete the corresponding tasks.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord Spring Festival (2019-05-13)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 13rd and 29th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar. new reward: temple wand.
See more details on the forum, here.

Landragor returns (2019-04-26)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Easter sale and promotions (2019-04-15)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 15th and 23th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 2 colored eggs, 1 lesser dim.door stimulator, 6 ancient golden jokers, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 40 mytokronit jokers
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 royal seals, 5 colored eggs, 2 golden boxes, 4 lesser dim.door stimulators, 15 ancient golden jokers, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 120 mytokronit jokers
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
5 royal seals, 10 colored eggs, 5 golden boxes, 9 lesser dim.door stimulators, 30 ancient golden jokers, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 250 mytokronit jokers
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
10 royal seals, 25 colored eggs, 10 golden boxes, 20 lesser dim.door stimulators, 60 ancient golden jokers, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 600 mytokronit jokers

On the next day, from 10am CET, begins the Easter sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, Eye of Beholder (under soul-huckster), sale of special items (minion crystals, easter chests, hunters loot, enchanted pet food etc), and huge bonus packs for spending stones. These sales will also last until 23th of April. Enjoy the fun!

Doomlord level 60 world (2019-04-12)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Tuesday, 10am CET (4 am EST).

Doomlord Easter (2019-04-08)

Doomlord Easter Since the Surface has been re-conquered, the world became fertile again. The doomlords try to remember how their ancients lived before the exile. Summoning the memory of ancient festivals can break the monotony of the everyday routine. Lady Alvariel offers special relics to those who can collect the color-painted xenomorf eggs and help to live again the ancient festival, Easter. Between 8th and 24th of April runs our new mini-event, Easter, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the egg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Server maintenance (2019-03-21)

Dear Players, we will have a scheduled maintenance on Friday, 22th of March, between 11am and 1pm CET (5am and 7am EST). We apologize for the inconvenience. The Doomlord Team

Pit of Doom (2019-03-19)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that we after the Pit of Doom is over, in April, there will be a Pit of Damnation for that month as well.
See more details on the forum:,232.0

War of Hucksters (2019-02-26)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters will begin today! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The registration closes next Tuesday, you can't join the event after that.
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Valentine's day (2019-02-14)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 14th and 25th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
3 energy concentrate, 1 carnival mask, 50 ectoplasm
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
3 orc beer, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival masks, 40 mytokronit jokers, 2 loyalty shards, 250 ectoplasm
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
1 fetish joker, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival masks, 120 mytokronit jokers, 6 loyalty shards, 1000 ectoplasm
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
2 fetish jokers, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival masks, 250 mytokronit joker, 14 loyalty shards, 2500 ectoplasm
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
3 fetish jokers, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 25 carnival masks, 600 mytokronit jokers, 30 loyalty shards, 6000 ectoplasm

Doomlord Carnival (2019-02-06)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 6th and 21th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards, including some brand new rewards!Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.The tasks remain the change, but we added more rewards!
See more details on the forum, here.

Tower of Challenge (2019-01-30)

Tower of Challenge The grand new event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge is back! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3 (and to one from the same player for the entire event). The event last for 1 week, it will end next Wednesday at 10 am CET (4 am EST).
Please note If you reached at least level 52 previously, this time you will start from "your last level"-50 instead of level 1!

Doomlord new world 4 (2019-01-11)

Doomlord world 4 launchDear Players, the registration for the new triple speed world 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Fight with your clan for the top ranking, and win ancient stones and medal for your character on the main world!
You can preregister for the world 4 here.

The World will launch on Tuesday, 15th of January, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Xeno invasion (2019-01-09)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Doomlord Happy New Year (2018-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! Thank you for your patience, your suggestions, your critics, and your support. We hope to add at least as many new features to the game in 2019 as we did this year. And we will keep you busy with major and mini events, you can check the event calendar here:,266.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2018-12-13)

Doomlord Christmas sale Today at 10am CET begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 20th of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Christmas mini-events (2018-12-05)

Doomlord Christmas events Dear Players, the Doomlord Christmas mini-event series will start today at 10 am, CET. You can find the tasks
in this forum topic.
Soon, we will also post details about the coming Christmas sale, spending promotion and other events, so stay tuned :)

Ruler of the Planet results (2018-11-29)

Doomlord Ruler of the Planet results The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet is over. The title went for the next 6 months to

Congratulations to all who have reached the top of the pyramid! The next event coming up is the Christmas mini-events, starting on 5th of December!

Doomlord November sale (2018-11-22)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 9 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 22th Nov - 30th of Nov. (from Thursday to next Friday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 chest of Universe, 1 Christmas cake, 2 crystal jokers, 10 mytokronit jokers

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 relic joker, 3 chests of Universe, 2 Christmas cakes, 10 golden ducats, 2 emerald boxes, 10 crystal jokers, 40 mytokronits jokers

350 ancient stones purchase:
3 relic jokers, 10 chests of Universe, 4 Christmas cakes, 25 golden ducats, 7 emerald boxes, 25 crystal jokers, 100 mytokronits jokers, 1 fetish joker

750 ancient stones purchase:
5 relic jokers, 20 chests of Universe, 8 Christmas cakes, 50 golden ducats, 15 emerald boxes, 50 crystal jokers, 200 mytokronits jokers, 1 fetish joker

1600 ancient stones purchase:
10 relic jokers, 40 chests of Universe, 16 Christmas cakes, 100 golden ducats, 30 emerald boxes, 120 crystal jokers, 500 mytokronits jokers, 2 fetish jokers

Also do not forget to check out our Black Friday daily offer on the opening page tomorrow, 2 temple only for 50 ancient stones!

Ruler of the Planet (2018-11-08)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet will start today at 12am CET (6 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Please also note that we have increased the maximum level of the Megaessence AA ability by 10 so those who have already maxed this ability can still complete the corresponding tasks.
Good luck everyone!

Package of dread (2018-11-02)

Dear Players, the Ruler of the Planet event will launch of Thursday. As a preparation, look for the daily package of Dread at the soul-huckster (misc category)! We wlll add it soon to the daily routines pages as well for easier access.

Doomlord Beer Festival (2018-10-18)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 18th October and 2nd of November runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival! The rewards must be claimed until 11th of November.
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Special auction (wand of emperor) (2018-10-03)

Doomlord special auction Dear Players! We owe you one feature from the 10th birthday series, the special items auction! No worry, you didn't miss it, we will auction the 3 items now. The first one, the wand of the Emperor is available now, go visit the auction house! Look for the next one in 3 days.

Doomlord level 60 world launch (2018-09-27)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Thursday, 10am CET (4 am EST).

Tower of Challenge (2018-09-26)

Tower of Challenge The grand new event of the Doomlord online game, the Tower of Challenge has started today! The tower is a sky-high magical buiding with countless levels. Each level you have to complete a task then fight a monster. Each level, the monsters get stronger. The first few levels - for a powerful adventurer, the first many levels - the opponents will be trivials, the tasks will be the only challenge. Later on, the monsters get stronger, and then it will be important if you use a fire-weapon against a fire-demon or an ice-weapon. You can see the element of your equipment as an icon, next to your equipment's graphics. You can even assign an element to your legendary items!
You get challenge tokens for the battles. You can exchange these for rewards, or you can use them to skip a particularly difficult task. At the end of the event, you get additional rewards, depending on the number of levels completed. The best can even get the Challenge Fetish!
When you face an especially difficult opponent, you can ask help from another player. But the number of daily helps are limited to 3. The event last for 1 week, it will end next Wednesday at 10 am CET (4 am EST). Good luck everyone!

Landragor, the dragon (2018-09-25)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord 10th birthday (2018-09-20)

Doomlord 10th birthday Doomlord is celebrating its 10th birthday on 22th of September!

For this special occassion, we prepared a number of unique programs and surprises. 20-50% discounts, gifts, 24 hour auctions with some very special items, spender packages, Beholder eye with 10 rolls. And from 22th of Sept. the special purchase pack is available, where you can get 600-900 ancient stones, 2 temple wands and 2 time-traveling rods for only 8 EUR! See the details on the forum:
Doomlord 10th birthday topic

Doomlord September sale (2018-09-10)

Doomlord September saleDear Players!
We have launched our September sale, it lasts until 21th of September. When you purchase ancient stones, you can specify a character (even yourself) who will get the gift pack. You can even send ancient stones this way, if you choose package 2. See the details on the forum:
September sale details
The 10th birthday of the original Doomlord is coming on 22th of September, with many additional events, surprises and promotions!

Doomlord wine-harvest (2018-09-05)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 5th and 21th of Sept, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Pit of Doom (2018-08-14)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun today. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait! Please note that we after the Pit of Doom is over, in September, there will be a Pit of Damnation for that month as well.
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Doomlord Summer vacation events (2018-07-25)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2018 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for the legendary sun fetish, a fetish shard, pit wand (new!) or other rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum. You can access the event by clicking on the icon to the left of your portrait. Have fun!

Doomlord Summer sale (2018-07-24)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin today. If you buy ancient stones between 24th of July and 7th of August, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). Also, you can enjoy the following promotions between 25th July and 1st of August: 20% discount on ancient stone prices at the soul-huckster, sale of unique items, "Eye of the Beholder" luck wheel at the soul-huckster, special unique daily offers, 24 hour auctions, and awesome gift packs as rewards for ancient stones spent. See more details on the forum:,258.0

Enjoy the Summer vacation! The Doomlord Team

Doomlord new World 4 (2018-07-16)

Doomlord world 4The triple speed new World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has started! Play a fast paced, limited time game, win ancient stones and medals for your character on the main world! You can register here.

The World 4 started on Monday, 16th of July, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

Please also note that due to the last weeks patch, we are running the Quiz Olympics this week (scheduled for Tuesday).

Server maintenance finished (2018-07-11)

Doomlord maintenance over Dear Players,
We have finished the server transfer. It took longer than expected, we apologize for this. You can claim a compensation ingame, on the daily offers page. If you find any problems, please let us know via our support system! Have fun playing,
The Doomlord Team

Maintenance on Wednesday (2018-07-10)

Dear Players,
We will have a maintenance tomorrow, on Wednesday, 11th of July. Expected downtime is between 9am CET (3am EST, midnight PST) until 13pm CET (7am EST, 4am PST). During this time, you will not be able to log into the game, so plan accordingly.
As a result of this maintenance, we are moving our servers to a more stable platform. Expect faster page loads, and we can also finish the long-expected https pages and fix payment problems.
Thank you for your patience,
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord new World 4 (2018-07-09)

Doomlord world 4 launchDear Players, the registration for the new triple speed world 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Fight with your clan for the top ranking, and win ancient stones and medal for your character on the main world! Please note: we originally scheduled the world TO START today, but we are planning to do a complex series of maintenance this week, to move our servers to offer our players a better playing experience. This will mean a long maintenance period on Wednesday and probably a few shorter ones on the following days. For this reason, we are delaying the start of world 4 by one week. Thanks for your understanding.
You can preregister for the world 4 here.

The World will launch on Monday, 16th of July, 14pm CET (8 am EST).

War of the Hucksters (2018-07-03)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe War of the Hucksters has begun! You can still sign up if you forgot, but only until next Monday. So this is your last chance to join the 3-week War and fight for the fabolous rewards!

War of Hucksters pre-registration (2018-06-26)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on next Tuesday, 14am CET (8am EST). The registration closes one week after the start, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord June sale (2018-06-15)

Doomlord June sale Dear Players, for the following 10 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 15th-24th of June (from Friday to next Sunday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 1 monster cocktail, 1 chest of universe, 1 ancient golden joker

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 divine potion, 2 monster cocktails, 3 chests of universe, 10 temple crystals, 20 golden ducats, 6 ancient golden jokers, 40 mytokronit jokers

350 ancient stones purchase:
1 fetish joker, 1 Diamond of Ascension, 10 chests of universe, 30 temple crystals, 50 golden ducats, 15 ancient golden jokers, 120 mytokronit jokers

750 ancient stones purchase:
1 fetish joker, 1 squeezing medal, 20 chests of universe, 65 temple crystals, 100 golden ducats, 30 ancient golden jokers, 250 mytokronit jokers

1600 ancient stones purchase:
2 fetish jokers, 2 squeezing medals, 40 chests of universe, 170 temple crystals, 250 golden ducats, 70 ancient golden jokers, 600 mytokronit jokers

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2018-06-13)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall remember forever the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. These celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 13th and 28th of June (starting at 10am CET) runs our annual mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
During the event, you can buy from the soul-huckster the following: hunter's loot (lesser and greater) and subplasma detector.
See more details on the forum, here.

Xeno invasion (2018-05-22)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Doomlord Spring Festival (2018-05-03)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 3rd and 19th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's conventional mini-event series, the Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet results (2018-05-02)

Doomlord Ruler of the Planet results title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet is over. The title went for the next 6 months to

Congratulations to all who have reached the top of the pyramid! The next event coming up is Spring Festival, staring tomorrow.

New world 4 has started today (2018-04-16)

Doomlord level 60 worldThe new triple-speed world 4 of the Doomlord online game has started today! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

Doomlord new world 4 (2018-04-11)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Monday, 16th of April, 10am CET (4 am EST).

Ruler of the Planet (2018-04-10)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet will start today at 12am CET (6 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Please also note that we have increased the maximum level of the Megaessence AA ability by 10 so those who have already maxed this ability can still complete the corresponding tasks.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord Easter (2018-03-22)

Doomlord Easter Since the Surface has been re-conquered, the world became fertile again. The doomlords try to remember how their ancients lived before the exile. Summoning the memory of ancient festivals can break the monotony of the everyday routine. Lady Alvariel offers special relics to those who can collect the color-painted xenomorf eggs and help to live again the ancient festival, Easter. Between 22th of March and 8th of April runs our new mini-event, Easter, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the egg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord world 4 is over (2018-03-19)

Doomlord world 4 resultsThe limited duration World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game is now over. We have sent out to rewards to the top finishers. You can see the results here:

Doomlord World 4 results

Congratulations to the winners!

Support server maintenance (2018-03-07)

Dear Players, today from midnight to 2 AM CET, our support server will be unavailable due to maintenance: you will not be able to send or read customer support ticket. The game will run as normal.

Landragor returns (2018-02-27)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event! Please also note we reset the greater space-rift potions.

Doomlord Valentine's day (2018-02-14)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 14th and 23th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
3 energy concentrate, 1 carnival mask, 50 ectoplasm
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
3 orc beer, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival masks, 40 mytokronit jokers, 2 loyalty shards, 250 ectoplasm
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
1 fetish joker, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival masks, 120 mytokronit jokers, 6 loyalty shards, 1000 ectoplasm
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
1 fetish joker, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival masks, 250 mytokronit joker, 14 loyalty shards, 2500 ectoplasm
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
2 fetish jokers, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 20 carnival masks, 600 mytokronit jokers, 30 loyalty shards, 6000 ectoplasm

Doomlord Carnival (2018-02-07)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 7th and 22th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards, including the Carnival fetish! Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord: Monster summoning (2018-01-25)

Doomlord: Monster summoningWe added a new feature to the Doomlord online game, Monster summoning! It is available for level 70+ players, from the Hunt menu. First, you have to summon and activate a monster. After that, you can attack the monsters summoned by other players. Achievements, rankings and various rewards await the brave monster-hunters :) See more details on the forum:
Monster summoning forum
Also don't forget, the World 4 has just started, you can still sign up and play on our fast world!

Doomlord World 4 has started! (2018-01-19)

Doomlord world 4 launchDear Players! The Doomlord world 4 has started! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on Friday, 14 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds! Crystal clan will arrive soon after the world starts.

Doomlord world 4 prergistration open (2018-01-15)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on Friday, 14 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds! Crystal clan will arrive soon after the world starts. Some changes: there will be clones up to level 100 to attack. Loyalty bonus will increase 3 levels per day, not one. Tasks can be completed for soul-diamonds even after level 30. You can buy luck coupons (3/day) at the soul-huckster. Victory conditions have been made easier.
More details here

Pit of Doom (2018-01-09)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun today. In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait!
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Doomlord Happy New Year (2017-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! Thank you for your patience, your suggestions, your critics, and your support. We hope to add at least as many new features to the game in 2018 as we did this year. And we will keep you busy with major and mini events, you can check the event calendar here:,254.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2017-12-14)

Doomlord Christmas sale Today at 10am CET begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 21st of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Christmas mini-events (2017-12-08)

Doomlord Christmas events Dear Players, the Doomlord Christmas mini-event series has started. You can find the tasks
in this forum topic.
We added some extra rewards again :) Have fun!

Doomlord November sale and Black Friday offer (2017-11-24)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 10 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 24th Nov - 3rd of December. (from Friday to next Sunday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 chest of Universe, 1 orc beer, 2 crystal jokers, 10 mytokronit jokers

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 relic joker, 3 chests of Universe, 3 orc beer, 10 golden ducats, 2 emerald boxes, 10 crystal jokers, 40 mytokronits jokers

350 ancient stones purchase:
3 relic jokers, 10 chests of Universe, 10 orc beer, 25 golden ducats, 6 emerald boxes, 25 crystal jokers, 100 mytokronits jokers, 1 fetish joker

750 ancient stones purchase:
5 relic jokers, 20 chests of Universe, 20 orc beer, 50 golden ducats, 12 emerald boxes, 50 crystal jokers, 200 mytokronits jokers, 1 fetish joker

1600 ancient stones purchase:
10 relic jokers, 40 chests of Universe, 40 orc beer, 100 golden ducats, 25 emerald boxes, 120 crystal jokers, 500 mytokronits jokers, 2 fetish jokers

Also do not forget to check out our Black Friday daily offer on the opening page, 2 fetish jokers only for 100 ancient stones!

War of the Hucksters (2017-11-16)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe War of the Hucksters has begun! You can still sign up if you forgot, but only until next Monday. So this is your last chance to join the 3-week War and fight for the fabolous rewards!

War of the Hucksters (2017-11-09)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on next Tuesday, 14am CET (8am EST). The registration closes one week after the start, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

World 4 results (2017-10-27)

Doomlord world 4 resultsThe limited duration World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game is now over. We have sent out to rewards to the top finishers. You can see the results here:

Doomlord World 4 results

Congratulations to the winners!

Doomlord Beer Festival (2017-10-16)

Doomlord Beer Festival The conventional event of the Doomlord online game, the Beer Festival is here again! During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 16th and 31th of October runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival! The rewards must be claimed until 9th of November.
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Happy Birthday Doomlord! (2017-09-22)

Doomlord birthday The original Doomlord has launched on 22th of September, 9 years ago.

To celebrate this occasion, we offer great gift packs to all who buy ancient stones between 21th of Sept and 2nd of Oct. And more events coming on 22th of Sept: a free cake every day on first login, 24 hour auctions, special sales, 20% discount on ancient stone prices, Eye of the beholder, unique daily offers and fabolous packs for AS spent. See the details on the forum:,249.0

Doomlord Xeno invasion (2017-09-21)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online fantasy game, the Xeno invasion is back!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Wine-harvest (2017-09-04)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 4th and 20th of Sept, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and new rewards!
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet results (2017-09-01)

Doomlord Ruler of the Planet results title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet is over. The title went for the next 6 months to

Congratulations to all who have reached the top of the pyramid! The next event coming up is Harvest, staring on Monday. Watch out for the new prizes!

Ruler of the Planet (2017-08-10)

Ruler of the Planet title= The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet will start today at 12am CET (6 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Please also note that we have increased the maximum level of the Megaessence AA ability by 10 so those who have already maxed this ability can still complete the corresponding tasks.
Good luck everyone!

New World 4 begins on Monday! (2017-08-03)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on next Monday, 14 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds! Crystal clan will arrive 1 day after the world starts. Please also note that lesser hunters loot will be available in the shop!
More details here

Doomlord Summer vacation events (2017-07-24)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2017 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for the legendary sun fetish, a fetish shard or other rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum. You can access the event by clicking on the icon to the left of your portrait. The event lasts until 9th of August, you can exchange the sun crystals for rewards until 16th of August. Have fun!

Doomlord summer sale (2017-07-18)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin today. If you buy ancient stones between 18th and 31th of July, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). Also, you can enjoy the following promotions between 18th and 24th of July: 20% discount on ancient stone prices at the soul-huckster, sale of unique items, "Eye of the Beholder" luck wheel at the soul-huckster, special unique daily offers, 24 hour auctions, and awesome gift packs as rewards for ancient stones spent. See more details on the forum:,247.0

Enjoy the Summer vacation! The Doomlord Team

Landragor returns (2017-06-29)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2017-06-07)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall remember forever the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. These celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 7th and 22th of June (starting at 10am CET) runs our annual mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
During the event, you can buy from the soul-huckster the following: hunter's loot (lesser and greater) and subplasma detector.
See more details on the forum, here.

Pit of Doom (2017-05-11)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun today, at 10 am CET (4am EST). In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait!
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Pit of Damnation expire warning (2017-05-08)

Dear Players! The Pit of Doom event will start on Thursday, 11th of May. This means that the Pit of Damnation will disappear on 10th, midnight. So you are recommended to finish Pit of Damnation by Wednesday, because it will disappear due to the Pit of Doom.

Spring Festival (2017-04-26)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 26th of April and 11th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's new mini-event, Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord Easter ending (2017-04-25)

Doomlord Easter endsDear Players! Don't forget that the Easter mini-event ends today. Tomorrow begins the Spring Festival, so you will no longer be able to claim your Easter rewards. So claim them today!

Doomlord Easter sale and promotions (2017-04-10)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 10th and 18th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 2 colored eggs, 1000 kheson debris, 3 luck coupon, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 40 yellow mytokronits
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 royal seals, 5 colored eggs, 2 golden boxes, 3000 kheson debris, 10 luck coupons, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 120 yellow mytokronits
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
5 royal seals, 10 colored eggs, 5 golden boxes, 7000 kheson debris, 20 luck coupons, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 250 yellow mytokronits
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
10 royal seals, 25 colored eggs, 10 golden boxes, 15000 kheson debris, 40 luck coupons, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 600 yellow mytokronits

At the same time, from 10am CET, begins the Easter sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, Eye of Beholder (under soul-huckster), sale of special items (minion crystals, easter chests, hunters loot, enchanted pet food etc), and huge bonus packs for spending stones. These sales will last until 17th of April. Enjoy the fun!

Doomlord Easter (2017-04-04)

Doomlord Easter Since the Surface has been re-conquered, the world became fertile again. The doomlords try to remember how their ancients lived before the exile. Summoning the memory of ancient festivals can break the monotony of the everyday routine. Lady Alvariel offers special relics to those who can collect the color-painted xenomorf eggs and help to live again the ancient festival, Easter. Between 4th and 21th of April runs our new mini-event, Easter, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the egg icon next to your avatar. Please note that we added a new reward, kheson debris due to popular demand.
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord level 300 (2017-04-01)

Dear Players! We managed to finalize the features players can enjoy upon reaching level 300. At this point, you will be able to settle, and build your own cities. Each player with have an estate and a garden which he can develop as he likes. Technological advancement will be inevitable: you can found a mine, a company, you can build modern cars, even battle robots. Your animals become configurable cute pets: you can play with them, and enter them the pet beauty contest. An army of mercenaries await your commands, you can take them to quests, graphical versions of the current adventures. By having the Enemy chased away, peace is still not within reach: crime bands, out-of-control laboratory experiments, and aliens from outer space will threaten it. We are already working on the development, but it will take some time. Until then, check some screenshots! Doomlord level 300

Support server maintenance (2017-03-27)

Dear Players, tomorrow, on Tuesday, between 22pm and 02 am CET (16-22pm EST) our support server will be unavailable due to maintenance: you will not be able to send or read customer support ticket. The game will run as normal.

War of the Hucksters (2017-03-21)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on Friday, 14am CET (8am EST). The registration closes one week after the start, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Xeno Invasion (2017-02-21)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online fantasy game, the Xeno invasion is back!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Doomlord Valentine days promotion (2017-02-14)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 14th and 23th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 master stone, 1 energy concentrate, 1 carnival mask
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
2 master stones, 3 orc beer, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival masks, 40 blue mytokronits, 2 loyalty shards
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
3 master stones, 1 pit wand, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival masks, 120 blue mytokronits, 6 loyalty shards
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
4 master stones, 1 pit wand, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival masks, 250 blue mytokronits, 14 loyalty shards
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
5 master stones, 2 pit wands, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 20 carnival masks, 600 blue mytokronits, 30 loyalty shards

Doomlord Carneval (2017-02-01)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 1st and 16th of Feb runs our conventional mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and rewards, including the brand new Carneval fetish! The event starts today, 11am CET (5am EST). Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.The tasks remain the change, but we added more rewards!
See more details on the forum, here.

Doomlord new fast world registration open (2017-01-24)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on next Monday, 14 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds! Crystal clan will arrive 1 day after the world starts. Please also note that lesser hunters loot will be available in the shop!
More details here

Doomlord: Ruler of the Planet (2017-01-05)

Ruler of the Planet started The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started at 12am CET (6 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: package of dread, potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Doomlord Happy New Year (2016-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! Thank you for your patience, your suggestions, your critics, and your support. We hope to add at least as many new features to the game in 2017 as we did this year. And we will keep you busy with major and mini events, you can check the event calendar here:,230.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Pit of Damnation (2016-12-20)

Pit of DamnationDear Players, we added a new feature to the Doomlord online fantasy game, Pit of Damnation. It's the monthly, regular event version of the big event, Pit of Doom. It's available from level 8, from the left menu, below the Temple of Doom button. You can find the event's description inside the event, under the Description label. Good luck to all!

Doomlord Christmas sale (2016-12-15)

Doomlord Christmas sale Today begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 22th of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will also run a recharge promotion during this period, with the following packs:

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment: 1 relic coupon, 1 christmas cake, 1 gift pack
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR: 1 relic coupon, 20 diranium, 10 snow crystal, 1 christmas cake, 2 gift pack, 20 brown mytokronits
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR: 3 relic coupons, 50 diranium, 25 snow crystal, 3 christmas cakes, 6 gift pack, 1 pit wand*, 50 brown mytokronits
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR: 7 relic coupons, 100 diranium, 50 snow crystal, 7 christmas cakes, 12 gift pack, 1 pit wands*, 100 brown mytokronits
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR: 1 unobtanium focus, 12 relic coupons, 250 diranium, 100 snow crystal, 15 christmas cakes, 25 gift pack, 2 pit wand*, 250 brown mytokronits

We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas events (2016-12-08)

Doomlord Christmas events Dear Players, the Doomlord Christmas mini-event series has started. You can find the tasks
in this forum topic.
It will last 5 days longer than the previous one, we also added extra tasks and rewards. Have fun!

November Doomlord sale (2016-11-28)

Doomlord November sale Dear Players, for the following 10 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 28th Nov - 7th of December. (from Monday to next Wednesday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 chest of Universe, 1 orc beer, 2 minion crystals, 10 mytokronit packages

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 relic coupon, 3 chests of Universe, 3 orc beer, 10 golden ducats, 2 emerald boxes, 10 minion crystals, 40 blue mytokronits

350 ancient stones purchase:
1 kryxonium focus, 10 chests of Universe, 10 orc beer, 25 golden ducats, 6 emerald boxes, 25 minion crystals, 100 blue mytokronits, 1 temple wand

750 ancient stones purchase:
1 unobtanium focus, 20 chests of Universe, 20 orc beer, 50 golden ducats, 12 emerald boxes, 50 minion crystals, 200 blue mytokronits, 1 temple wand

1600 ancient stones purchase:
2 unobtanium focuses, 40 chests of Universe, 40 orc beer, 100 golden ducats, 25 emerald boxes, 120 minion crystals, 500 blue mytokronits, 2 temple wands

Black Friday special offer (2016-11-25)

Doomlord Black FridayDear Players, we added a special daily offer for Black Friday. Check it out on the main page, right after you log in. You can buy this pack for 1/3 of the normal price.
Please also note that a recharge promotion is coming up next Monday, see details on the forum.

New world 4 of Doomlord (2016-11-11)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Thursday, 17th of Nov, 10am CET (4 am EST).

Imprisoning Landragor (2016-11-03)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster! Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison - and re-capture the evil creature.

The Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game has started on 3th of November. Face the challenge, where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!
More details on the forum.

Doomlord Beer Festval (2016-10-17)

Doomlord Beer Festival The doomlords and doomladies celebrate the winners of the Pit of Doom competition. During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 17th of Oct and 1st of Nov runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival, with new rewards (including emerald box and brown mytokronits). Check out the new rewards under the Reward tab! The rewards must be claimed until 10th of November.
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Pit of Doom finished (2016-10-13)

The Pit of DoomThe Pit of Doom event is over! Congratulations to all who were able to reach the last level! We have added the rewards for everyone, check the event page!
The next series of mini-events will be the Beer Festival, starting on next Monday, 17th of October.

Minion arena (2016-09-23)

Doomlord minion arena We added the new major development to the Doomlord fantasy game, the Minion Arena!
Once your clan has finished building the Minion Arena, and one or more of your minions have the combat ability (from brown mytokronits), you can send them to battle! Develop their abilities, and equip them with magic items! See more details on the forum:
Minion arena forum topic.

The Pit of Doom (2016-09-22)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's new grand event, The Pit of Doom has begun today, at 10 am CET (4am EST). In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait!
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Happy Birthday Doomlord! (2016-09-12)

Doomlord birthday The original Doomlord has launched on 22th of September, 8 years ago.

To celebrate this occasion, we offer great gift packs to all who buy ancient stones between 12th and 23th of September. And more events coming on 15th of Sept: a free cake every day on first login, 24 hour auctions, special sales, 20% discount on ancient stone prices, Eye of the beholder, unique daily offers and fabolous packs for AS spent. See the details on the forum:,239.0

Wine-harvest (2016-09-05)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 5th and 21th of Sept, you can participate in the Wine-harvest event, with many tasks and reward.
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

War of the Hucksters results (2016-09-02)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe Doomlord event, War of the Hucksters is over! he followers of Archaix claimed victory. You can claim your rewards under the Misc. button. Congratulations to all!
The next event coming up is Wine-harvest. See the list of tasks on the forum, here.

The War of Hucksters event registration is open! (2016-08-11)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe grand event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on Monday, 10am CET (4am EST). The registration closes on next Monday at 10am CET, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Summer vacation (2016-07-25)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2016 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for the legendary sun fetish, a fetish shard or other rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can find the list of tasks here, on the forum. You can access the event by clicking on the icon to the left of your portrait. The event lasts until 10th of August, you can exchange the sun crystals for rewards until 15th of August. Have fun!

New world launches next Monday! (2016-07-12)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on next Monday, 14 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds! Crystal clan will arrive 1 day after the world starts. Please also note that lesser hunters loot will be available in the shop!
More details here

Summer promotions (2016-07-06)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin today. If you buy ancient stones between 6th and 15th of July, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). Also, you can enjoy the following promotions between 6th and 13th of July: 20% discount on ancient stone prices at the soul-huckster, sale of unique items, "Eye of the Beholder" luck wheel at the soul-huckster, special unique daily offers, 24 hour auctions, and awesome gift packs as rewards for ancient stones spent. See more details on the forum:,236.0

The Doomlord Team

Xeno invasion (2016-06-30)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2016-06-13)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall remember forever the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. These celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 13th and 28th of June (starting at 10am CET) runs our annual mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
During the event, you can buy from the soul-huckster the following: hunter's loot (lesser and greater) and subplasma detector.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet results (2016-06-09)

Ruler of Planet winner In the past 3 weeks, the doomlords and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. After a fierce struggle, Sbart was the first to put on the Mask of Dread and become the Ruler of the planet. Congratulations, Mighty One! All the doomladies and doomlords have fallen to their knees and vowed to worship their new leader. But the peace created by this absolute power is illusionary: in a half year, someone will come and challenge the Ruler of the Planet, and will try to claim the throne for himself...
The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

The next event coming up is the Surface Celebration, starting on Monday, 13th of June. See the list of events here:,218.0

Doomlord: Ruler of the Planet (2016-05-19)

Ruler of the Planet started The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started at 14pm CET (8 am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. And now there is an additional pyramid to conquer! The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Spring Festival (2016-05-02)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 2nd of May (starting at 10am CET) and 17th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's new mini-event, Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Landragor imprisoned (2016-04-28)

Landragor imprisonedAfter three weeks of struggle, the evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned by the brave doomlords and doomladies! The ruby horde won this event by charging pylons with the most soul-energy:
All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!
Congratulations! The next event coming up is Spring Festival, starting on next Monday. Stay tuned!

Start with a level 60 character on World 4! (2016-04-20)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

The World will launch on Monday, 10am CET (4 am EST).

Imprison Landragor the giant dragon! (2016-04-07)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster! Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison - and re-capture the evil creature.

Today started the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!
We added new rewards. If you already have one of the permanent rewards, you can find other rewards instead. More details on the forum.

Spring sale and promotions (2016-04-03)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 4th and 11th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 2 colored eggs, 10 burnt out stones, 3 luck coupon, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 5 temple crystals
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 royal seals, 5 colored eggs, 2 golden boxes, 25 burnt out stones, 10 luck coupons, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 10 temple crystals
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
5 royal seals, 10 colored eggs, 5 golden boxes, 50 burnt out stones, 20 luck coupons, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 25 temple crystals
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
10 royal seals, 25 colored eggs, 10 golden boxes, 100 burnt out stones, 40 luck coupons, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 50 temple crystals

At the same time, from 10am CET, begins the Easter sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, Eye of Beholder (under soul-huckster), sale of special items (minion crystals, easter chests, hunters loot, enchanted pet food etc), and huge bonus packs for spending stones. These sales will last until 11th of April. Enjoy the fun!

Doomlord April patch (2016-04-01)

Doomlord April patch Dear Players, here is a list of additions to the game which will be patched today, based on your suggestions. I hope you will like them.

- Brown mytokronit, "death" ability. Finally you can collect brown mytokronits! You get it when one of your pets go unconscious. The death ability of your minions grant you a chance to instantly kill enemy pets.

- We added a new item to the soul-huckster, "relic voucher". When used, you get a random relic you don't own (including auction and wheel of fortune relics). You can buy one per day from the soul-huckster for ancient stones.

- Ancient golden coin. You will find a new menu under auction house, "ancient golden coin". Here, you can auction your own items away, and can bid on items of others. Bidding is done with ancient golden coins.

- Stealing mytokronits. This is a new skill, you can steal mytokronits from your opponent during duel. The amount and chance depends on your skill level.

- NPCs (entity, epic, championship oppnents etc) got a new ability, "rabies". It gives a chance that your pets will go rabid during the fight, and attack you instead of the opponent. Rabies can be spread from your own pets to another players. Rabies goes away when your pet gets knocked out. (Brown mytkronits will give a big help in that).

- Catch-up bonus. If a players gets less XP on a day than a certain amount (depending on level), he/she will get enough extra XP to reach this amount. This feature will help those who fell behind in levels.

Click here for further information!

Doomlord Easer (2016-03-16)

Doomlord Easter Since the Surface has been re-conquered, the world became fertile again. The doomlords try to remember how their ancients lived before the exile. Summoning the memory of ancient festivals can break the monotony of the everyday routine. Lady Alvariel offers special relics to those who can collect the color-painted xenomorf eggs and help to live again the ancient festival, Easter. Between 16th of March (starting at 10am CET) and 2nd of April runs our new mini-event, Easter, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the egg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

The Pit of Doom is over (2016-03-10)

The Pit of DoomThe Pit of Doom event is over! Congratulations to all who were able to reach the last level! We have added the top list rewards for everyone, check your events log.
The next series of mini-events will be the Easter events, starting on next Wednesday, 16th of March.

The Pit of Doom (2016-02-18)

The Pit of DoomThe Doomlord fantasy game's new grand event, The Pit of Doom begins today, at 10 am CET (4am EST). In the Pit of Doom, battle monsters, doomlords and demons to loot their treasure, and to get to the last level, where the Pit Fetish awaits you. The event lasts for 3 weeks, the best players get extra rewards. To participate in the event, click the icon next to the upper right corner of your character portrait!
See more details on the forum:,232.0

Valentine day's promotion (2016-02-15)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 15th and 24th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 master stone, 1 energy concentrate, 1 carnival chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
2 master stones, 3 orc beer, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival chests, 1 Diamond of Ascension, 2 loyalty shards
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
3 master stones, 1 temple wand, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival chests, 2 Diamond of Ascension, 6 loyalty shards
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
4 master stones, 1 temple wand, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival chests, 3 Diamond of Ascension, 14 loyalty shards
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
5 master stones, 2 temple wands, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 20 carnival chests, 4 Diamond of Ascension, 30 loyalty shards

Doomlord Carnival (2016-02-03)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 3rd and 18th of Feb runs our new mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and reward. The event starts today, 11am CET (5am EST). Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.The tasks remain the change, but we added more rewards!
See more details on the forum, here.

New world launches next Tuesday! (2016-01-22)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on next Tuesday, 10 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds! Crystal clan will arrive 1 day after the world starts. Please also note that lesser hunters loot will be available in the shop!
More details here

War of The Hucksters (2016-01-07)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe global event of the Doomlord browser game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on Monday, 10am CET (4am EST). The registration closes on next Monday at 10am CET, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Happy New Year! (2015-12-31)

Doomlord HNY We wish a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Thank you for adventuring with us this year, and hope that we will play together in the next year as well! Thank you for your patience, your suggestions, your critics, and your support. The next year will being many new additions to the game, including the Pit of Doom, fight between minions, and item crafting. And we will keep you busy with major and mini events, you can check the event calendar here:,230.0
Happy New Year!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas sale (2015-12-14)

Doomlord Christmas Today begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones. You can also get special gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones purchased, and you can send this gift pack to a player of your choice (including yourself). These events lasts until 22th of December. Please see the detailed list of events on the forum:
Christmas events
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Christmas events (2015-12-09)

Doomlord Christmas events Dear Players, tomorrow, on Thusday, 10am CET (4am EST) begins the Christmas mini-event series in Doomlord. You can find the tasks
in this forum topic.
Only the dates change. We add extra rewards, now you will be able to exchange for unobtanium focus, mytokronit packs, and the emerald box which contains green essences for the alchemy laboratory.

Xeno event is over (2015-12-01)

Xeno war The xeno war is over! The doomlord and doomladies have destroyed and imprisoned all xeno queens on all worlds. Congratulations to all! Go claim your rewards!
The next event coming up will be our Christmas mini-event series, expected launch is next week.
Please note that we added 4 new items under the Relics category, check it out!

November Doomlord sale (2015-11-18)

Xeno war Dear Players, for the following 9 days, those who purchase ancient stones in the Doomlord game will receive a special gift pack! Each player can receive only ONE gift pack. Duration: 18-27th of November. (from Wednesday to next Friday)

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 chest of Universe, 1 orc beer, 2 minion crystals, 10 mytokronit packages

100 ancient stones purchase:
1 relic coupon, 3 chests of Universe, 3 orc beer, 10 golden ducats, 1 enchanted pet food, 10 minion crystals, 40 mytokronit packages

350 ancient stones purchase:
1 kryxonium focus, 10 chests of Universe, 10 orc beer, 25 golden ducats, 2 enchanted pet food, 25 minion crystals, 100 mytokronit packages, 1 temple wand

750 ancient stones purchase:
1 unobtanium focus, 20 chests of Universe, 20 orc beer, 50 golden ducats, 5 enchanted pet food, 50 minion crystals, 200 mytokronit packages, 1 temple wand

1600 ancient stones purchase:
2 unobtanium focuses, 40 chests of Universe, 40 orc beer, 100 golden ducats, 10 enchanted pet food, 120 minion crystals, 500 mytokronit packages, 2 temple wands

The Xeno invasion has begun! (2015-11-06)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Beer Festival (2015-10-19)

Doomlord Beer Festival The doomlords and doomladies celebrate the winners of the Ruler of the Planet competition. During the festival, they drink orc beer from huge kegs, dance and sing. Between 19th of Oct and 3th of Nov runs our mini-event, the Beer Festival, with many tasks and reward. Check out the new rewards under the Reward tab! The rewards must be claimed until 8th of November.
To access the event, simply click the keg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet results (2015-10-15)

Ruler of Planet results In the past 3 weeks, the doomlords and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. After a fierce struggle, Janyemm was the first to put on the Mask of Dread and become the Ruler of the planet. Congratulations! However, a second, even more difficult pyramid emerged to challenge the bravests, and a new race has begun. The first doomlord to reach the absolute top of this second pyramid, and claim the title "Ruler of the Universe" was Sbart. Big grats to him for winning this event!
The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

The next event coming up is a series of mini-events, Octoberfest, starting on Monday, 19th of October. Get ready for it!

Ruler of the Planet (2015-09-24)

Ruler of the Planet started Again, you stand in front of this monumental building reaching for the sky. At first, it seems nothing has changed, except for everything becoming even darker. The same stairs, the same obstacles. It's gonna be a routine. But your sixth sense rings an alarm. Looks can be perceiving...
The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet starts today, at 14pm CET (8am EST)! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Happy 7th birthday Doomlord! (2015-09-14)

Doomlord birthday The original Doomlord has launched on 22th of September, 7 years ago.

To celebrate this occasion, we offer great gift packs to all who buy ancient stones between 14th and 23th of September. And more events coming on 16th of Sept: a free cake every day on first login, 24 hour auctions, special sales, 20% discount on ancient stone prices, Eye of the beholder, unique daily offers and fabolous packs for AS spent. See the details on the forum:,224.0

Doomlord Wine-harvest (2015-09-07)

Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 7th and 23th of Sept runs our new mini-event, Harvest, with many tasks and reward. We even added new rewards, like kryxonium focus, fetish shard, and mytokronit packs
To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Landragor imprisoned (2015-09-03)

Landragor imprisonedAfter three weeks of struggle, the evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned by the brave doomlords and doomladies! The ruby horde won this event by charging pylons with the most soul-energy:
All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!
Congratulations! The next event coming up is Wine-harvest, starting on next Monday. Stay tuned!

Landragor has awakened! (2015-08-13)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster! Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison - and re-capture the evil creature.

Today started the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!
Grey mytokronits and astral treasures are awarded for AP fights when other conditions are met.

Doomlord Summer vacation events (2015-07-23)

Doomlord Summer vacation 2015 Enjoy the Summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new tasks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for the legendary sun fetish, a fetish shard or other rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
You can access the event by clicking on the icon to the left of your portrait. The event lasts until 8th of August, you can exchange the sun crystals for rewards until 15th of August. Have fun!

World 4 registration open (2015-07-09)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Build a character, and win World 4 with your clan! The world 4 will start on next Tuesday, 10 am CET.

You can register here.

Win ancient stones and other prizes for your characters on other worlds!
More details here

Please also note that the ancient stone gift pack promotion ends tomorrow!

Horde Wars (2015-07-03)

Doomlord Horde Wars has begunThe Doomlord browser game's famous event, Horde Wars is back! Players of any level can participate. Conquest the biggest territory for your horde, collect treasures and trophies from the defeatd opponents, gain the final rewards, the horde medals! The event lasts for 3 weeks. During this time, you can buy the war pack under daily offers to help you survive. Please note that scores are updated at noon, not at midnight!
This is the last Horde Wars, in 6 months, a new event, Pit of Doom will come!

Summer promotions (2015-07-01)

Summer promotions Dear Players! Our Summer promotion events begin today. If you buy ancient stones between 1st and 10th of July, you get a gift pack (or you can send it to a friend). Also, you can enjoy the following promotions between 1st and 8th of July: 20% discount on ancient stone prices at the soul-huckster, sale of unique items, "Eye of the Beholder" luck wheel at the soul-huckster, special unique daily offers, 24 hour auctions, and awesome gift packs as rewards for ancient stones spent. See more details on the forum:,219.0

The Doomlord Team

Celebration of Reconquering the Surface (2015-06-15)

Doomlord Surface Celebration We shall forever remember the heroic battle, where the doomlords chased away the Enemy from our planet. Every year, on the anniversary of this victory, the hordes put aside all enmities, and the ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond hordes celebrate together. Also these celebrations help us to remember, that we always have to be ready to fight, if the Enemy returns one day...
Between 15th and 30th of June (starting at 10am CET) runs our new mini-event, Celebration of Reconquering the Surface, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the doomlady icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

The War of the Hucksters begins! (2015-05-18)

Doomlord War of HuckstersThe global event of the Doomlord browser game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You can already register for the event by clicking on the Huckster icon next to your portrait. The War begins on Thursday, 10am CET (4am EST). The registration closes on next Thursday at 10am CET, you can't join the event after the registration closes!
See more details on the forum!

Doomlord Spring festival (2015-05-04)

Doomlord Spring festival Years has passed since you chased away the Enemy. The planet's surface is now covered by a growing vegetation. At spring, this vegetation welcomes the return of seasons by opening millions of flowers. Now not only death, but life deserves to be celebrated as well - decide the Doomlords. Between 4th of May (starting at 10am CET) and 19th of May runs the Doomlord online rpg's new mini-event, Spring festival, with many tasks and rewards. To access the event, simply click the flowers icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Start with a level 60 character on World 4! (2015-04-29)

Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

You can register here.

After 2 months of fierce competition, you can transfer your character to any of the English, Russian, or Slovak (SK1) worlds. Although the game language will stay English for everyone, players will be able to transfer prizes to any of the above servers besides the international English server.
More details here

The arrival of the mytokronits (2015-04-15)

The arrival of the mytokronits The mytokronits have arrived! Your minions ascended to a new level of their evolution, now they can develop unique abilities. A short summary of new things to check in the game: academy's new level is 25, you can develop 2 new skills when you advance your learning skill to 70 and 80. There is a new clan building, astral station, and a new AA ability, mytokronit explosion. The soul suckster sells 3 new relics (red and orange mytokronit detector, mytokronit extractor), and a new item under other categories, astral stone.
See additional details on the forum:,215.0
To celebrate this new events, players can claim a gift pack for 7 days, which contains 3 minion crystals, 3 energy concentrate, and for those who are at least level 50, 2 astral stones and 10 astral treasures. If you have at least 2 minions, go immediately to the Minions subpage and start using the astral stones!
We wish a good exploration to everyone!

The Xeno invasion has started (2015-04-09)

Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
Good luck!

Easter Promotion and Sale (2015-04-01)

Doomlord Easter promotionDear Players!
Surprise your friend or yourself with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 1st and 8th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 colored egg, 1 luck coupon, 1 easter egg, 1 easter chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 royal seal, 2 colored eggs, 10 burnt out stones, 3 luck coupon, 2 easter eggs, 2 easter chests, 5 temple crystals
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 royal seals, 5 colored eggs, 2 golden boxes, 25 burnt out stones, 10 luck coupons, 3 easter eggs, 5 easter chests, 10 temple crystals
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
5 royal seals, 10 colored eggs, 5 golden boxes, 50 burnt out stones, 20 luck coupons, 7 easter eggs, 10 easter chests, 25 temple crystals
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
10 royal seals, 25 colored eggs, 10 golden boxes, 100 burnt out stones, 40 luck coupons, 15 easter eggs, 20 easter chests, 50 temple crystals

At the same time, from 10am CET, begins the Easter sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items (minion crystals, easter chests, hunters loot, enchanted pet food etc), and huge bonus packs for spending stones. Happy Easter All!

Easter events (2015-03-16)

Doomlord Easter Since the Surface has been re-conquered, the world became fertile again. The doomlords try to remember how their ancients lived before the exile. Summoning the memory of ancient festivals can break the monotony of the everyday routine. Lady Alvariel offers special relics to those who can collect the color-painted xenomorf eggs and help to live again the ancient festival, Easter. Between 16th of March (starting at 10am CET) and 2nd of April runs our new mini-event, Easter, with many tasks and reward. To access the event, simply click the egg icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Ruler of the Planet results (2015-03-12)

Ruler of Planet winner In the past 3 weeks, the doomlords and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. After a fierce struggle, Janyemm was the first to put on the Mask of Dread and become the Ruler of the planet. Congratulations, Mighty One! All the doomladies and doomlords have fallen to their knees and vowed to worship their new leader. But the peace created by this absolute power is illusionary: in a half year, someone will come and challenge the Ruler of the Planet, and will try to claim the throne for himself...
The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

The next event coming up is a series of Easter mini-events, starting on Monday, 16th of March. We shall post the details soon!

Ruler of the Planet. The race has begun (2015-02-19)

Ruler of the Planet started The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot. Additionally, for 1 week, you can buy 3 times a day the following items: minion crystal pack, tiny dimension door stimulator.
Good luck everyone!

Valentine day's promotion (2015-02-14)

Doomlord Valentine day promotionDear Players!
Surprise your beloved with a gift pack! Buy ancient stones between 14th and 23th of February, and send a present to a choosen character!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 master stone, 1 energy concentrate, 1 carnival chest
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
2 master stones, 3 orc beer, 10 energy concentrates, 2 carnival chests, 1 Diamond of Ascension, 2 loyalty shards
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
3 master stones, 1 kryxonium focus, 10 orc beer, 30 energy concentrates, 5 carnival chests, 2 Diamond of Ascension, 6 loyalty shards
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
4 master stones, 1 kryxonium focus, 20 orc beer, 70 energy concentrates, 10 carnival chests, 3 Diamond of Ascension, 14 loyalty shards
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
5 master stones, 2 kryxonium focus, 40 orc beer, 150 energy concentrates, 20 carnival chests, 4 Diamond of Ascension, 30 loyalty shards

Doomlord Carnival (2015-02-02)

Doomlord Carnival The daily hunts are ruled by the cold steel and the fiery magic. But during the nights, the never-tired doomlords can finally relax. They dress in scary, funny or surprising costumes and masks to welcome the new year, the chance for survival. And to signal the gods they are waiting for their return... Between 2nd and 17th of Feb runs our new mini-event, Carnival, with many tasks and reward. Celebrate the Carnival together!
To access the event, simply click the mask icon next to your avatar.
See more details on the forum, here.

Landragor imprisoned (2015-01-30)

Landragor imprisonedAfter three weeks fo struggle, the evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned by the brave doomlords and doomladies! The ruby horde win this event by charging pylons with the most soul-energy:
All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!
Congratulations! The next event coming up is Carnival, starting on next Monday. Stay tuned!

Register for world 4! (2015-01-21)

Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady! The world will start on next Monday, 26th of Jan, at 10 am CET.
The game runs at triple speed. This time, players can register from the Russian, the Slovak and the French servers as well. Although the game language will stay English for everyone, players will be able to transfer prizes to any of the above servers besides the international English server. Please note that no ties are allowed anymore, in case of ties in final rankings, total collected SE will decide.
More details here

Landragor returns (2015-01-08)

Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!
Please also note that now you get event points (used in clan championship) for Landragor fights.

Doomlord Christmas events (2014-12-15)

Doomlord Christmas Today begins a series of Christmas events in Doomlord. Numberous tasks with cool rewards, gift packs, and recharge promotion. And tomorrow begins the Christmas sale, with 20% discount on ancient stone prices, reduced auction times, unique daily offers, sale of special items, and huge bonus packs for spending stones.
Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time. There will be a 20% discount on SE cost of potions.
The Christmas events and missions will last until 31th of Dec. The recharge promotion is between 15th and 22th of Dec. The Christmas sale last between 16th and 22th of Dec.
See more details on forum:,209.0 We will continue to give support during the holidays. We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
The Doomlord Team

Doomlord Autumn promotion (2014-10-20)

Doomlord autumn promotionDear Players!
Buy ancient stones between 20th of Oct and 2nd of Nov in Doomlord, and you receive our autumn gift pack! (Applies only to your first payment during this period.)
20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 luck coupon, 1 cake, 1 lesser hunter's loot, 2 loyalty shards
100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
1 locked chest, 1 cake, 1 lesser dimension door stimulator, +1 IQ, 3 luck coupons, 5 lesser hunter's loot, 5 loyalty shards
350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
2 locked chests, 2 cakes, 1 temple wand, 2 lesser dimension door stimulators, +2 IQ, 10 luck coupons, 12 lesser hunter's loot, 1 friendship crystal
750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
5 locked chests, 5 cakes, 1 temple wand, 4 lesser dimension door stimulators, +5 IQ, 25 luck coupons, 25 lesser hunter's loot, 2 friendship crystals
1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
10 locked chests, 10 cakes, 2 temple wands, 8 lesser dimension door stimulators, +10 IQ, 50 luck coupons, 50 lesser hunter's loot, 4 friendship crystals

War of the Hucksters has begun (2014-10-07)

Doomlord War of the huckstersThe Doomlord browser game's global event, the War of the Hucksters has started! Good luck everyone!

Doomlord birthday party (2014-09-22)

Doomlord birthday party Different versions of Doomlord has different birthdays, depending on when that version has launched. We always celebrate the birthday of the original version at 22th of September, when the very first Doomlord world has launched, 6 years ago. So now we are inviting you to celebrate together with the players from that world!

On this week, from 22th to 28th of September, there will be various promotions parallel to the Wine-harvest event:
  • We give a 20% discount on the ancient stone price of every item sold by the soul-huckster
  • Extra items sold by the huckster during this period (Adventurer Chronicle, minion crystal pack, harvest pack, hunter's loots, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest) - these will be available from 9am CET on Monday
  • The duration of auctions is reduced to 24 hours
  • Unique daily offers
  • During the promotion, you can get awesome gift packs, depending on the amount of ancient stones you spend!

  • Have fun playing!

    New event: Wine harvest (2014-09-18)

    Doomlord harvest Celebrate the harvest with the other doomlords and doomladies! Make delicious wine, and have a fun party to celebrate the victory of your race over the Enemy! Between 18th of Sept and 4th of Oct runs our new mini-event, Harvest, with many tasks and reward. The best can even get the new minion fetish, the harvest fetish!
    To access the event, simply click the grape icon next to your avatar.
    See more details on the forum, here.

    Clan championship has started (2014-09-16)

    Clan championship has started Today at noon (12:00 CET, 6:00 EST) the first Clan championship of Doomlord has started! You have to conquer territories similar to the Horde Wars. The active members get champion tokens which they can exchange for various rewards, and the clans get rewards as well. Please see details on the forum:,202.0

    Last day for sun crystal exchange! (2014-08-31)

    Sun crystalPlease don't forget that today is the last chance to exchange sun crystals for rewards! The next time when you can use the remaining crystals is next summer.

    The Xeno war has started! (2014-08-28)

    Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
    Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
    Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
    Good luck!

    Doomlord Summer vacation (2014-08-13)

    Doomlord Summer vacation Enjoy the last 2 weeks of the summer vacation with Doomlord! Each day you get tasks which can be completed daily for various rewards. Most of the tasks can be completed once per day, for a given period of time. After a few days, you get new taks. Collect the sun crystals, and exchange them for the legendary sun fetish or other rewards! Only during the event, you can buy the Summer vacation package, and you can find golden chests during hunt, duel, and challenge (5% chance). Open it for various treasures!
    You can access the event by clicking on the icon to the left of your portrait. The event lasts until 29th of August, you can exchange the sun crystals for rewards until 31th of August. Have fun!

    Congrats to Ruler of the Planet winner, Zaglaab! (2014-08-12)

    Ruler of Planet winner In the past 3 weeks, the doomlords and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. After a fierce struggle, Zaglaab was the first to put on the Mask of Dread and become the Ruler of the planet. All the doomladies and doomlords have fallen to their knees and vowed to worship their new leader. But the peace created by this absolute power is illusionary: in a half year, someone will come and challenge the Ruler of the Planet, and will try to claim the throne for himself...
    The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

    The next big event is the Xeno invasion, starting on 28th of August, but we prepared a surprise to fill out the waiting time: from tomorrow, you can celebrate the Summer Holidays with a mini-event series. Collect rewards from simple tasks, and claim the final reward, the sun fetish!

    Doomlord: 5th birthday celebration (2014-07-23)

    Doomlord 5 years birthday Doomlord is celebrating it's 5th birthday today! For a week, each day you receive a birthday cake. Good appetite :) We would like to thank you for playing with us, and hope you will stay with us for long, playing Doomlord and our other games. Celebrate with us and take advantage of the 20% ancient stones prices discount, big wheel of fortune, 24 hours auction and other Summer Birthday Promotions! But most of all: have fun playing!
    The Doomlord Team

    Summer Sale and Ruler of the Planet (2014-07-22)

    Summer promotions Today at 14pm CET (8am EST) Ruler of the Planet has started! At the same time, the 2-weeks recharge promotion and the 1-week Summer Sale promotion has launched! 20% discount to ancient prices in the shop, 24 hour auctions, unique minion crystal pack at the soul-huckster and other limited goodies, unique daily offers, gift packs for ancient stones spent, 2 new relics under Relics (including ancient fetish) giant wheel of fortune (look for it under soul-huckster, Eye of the Beholder!)
    See additional details on the forum.
    Good luck and have fun everyone!
    The Doomlord Team

    Ruler of the Planet coming (2014-07-16)

    Ruler of the Planet begins soon The epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet will begin next Tuesday at 14pm CET (8am EST) ! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. You can already start preparing, the package of dread is available on the daily routines page each day! At the same time with the Ruler of the Planet's launch, we shall have a recharge promotion, you get gift packs depending on the amount of your purchase. Also we shall add a new unique minion fetish to the game, ancient fetish, which will be for sale under Relics.

    Preregister for the new World 4! (2014-07-14)

    Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady!
    The game runs at triple speed. This time, players can register from the Russian, the Slovak and the French servers as well. Although the game language will stay English for everyone, players will be able to transfer prizes to any of the above servers besides the international English server. Please note that no ties are allowed anymore, in case of ties in final rankings, total collected SE will decide.
    More details here

    Server down (2014-07-10)

    Dear Players, the server was down for several hours during the night. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are adding a compensation pack very soon which players can claim on the daily routines page upon login.
    The Doomlord Team

    Landragor returns (2014-06-12)

    Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

    Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

    Please note that you can buy at the soul-huckster the relic Whip of Landragor. It will give +10 XP to your minion for each fight during the event!

    Horde Wars results (2014-05-28)

    Doomlord Horde Wars is overThe Doomlord online game's last event, Horde Wars is over! The sapphire horde emerged victorious, with 232 points. The emerald horde came second, with 208 points. Diamond finished third with 176 points, followed by the ruby, with 140 points. We sent out the medals already. You can exchange your horde trophies without time limit. Congratulations to all!
    The next event coming up is Landragor, beginning on 12th of June. We are working now on a clan-level championship using the Horde Wars map.

    Treasure pack (2014-05-16)

    Doomlord treasure packBuy at least 100 ancient stones between 15th and 21th of May, and get an entire chest of treasure for free! Contents of the chest: 20 horde trophies, 3 luck coupons, 5 temple crystals, 10 burnt-out ancient stones, 5 potions of duel.
    You can claim your treasure pack under then Ancient stones menu after the payment has arrived. You can give it to another player, but one player can receive only one treasure pack.

    Horde Wars (2014-05-06)

    Doomlord Horde Wars has begunThe Doomlord browser game's famous event, Horde Wars is back! Players of any level can participate. Conquest the biggest territory for your horde, collect treasures and trophies from the defeatd opponents, gain the final rewards, the horde medals! The event lasts for 3 weeks. During this time, you can buy the war pack under daily offers to help you survive. Please note that scores are updated at noon, not at midnight!
    Please check the forum for changes since the new event on this link!

    World 4 has started (2014-04-30)

    Doomlord world 4 startedWorld 4 has started! Register and play this competitive world to win medal and ancient stones for your characters on other worlds. Start at level 60 and become the most powerful doomlord!

    Register on the new world a level 60 character! (2014-04-25)

    Doomlord level 60 world launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord browser game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Start right away a level 60 character, and distribute 25 million soul-energy on items, abilities and skills as you like! This is the perfect opportunity to join the game and catch up with the others.

    You can register here.

    After 2 months of fierce competition, you can transfer your character to any of the English, Russian, or Slovak (SK1) worlds. Although the game language will stay English for everyone, players will be able to transfer prizes to any of the above servers besides the international English server.
    More details here

    War of the Hucksters results (2014-04-23)

    Doomlord War of the hucksters is overThe global event of the Doomlord browser game, the War of the Hucksters is over! Go and claim your well-deserved fabolous rewards under War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Congratulations to the winners!
    The next event is Horde Wars, beginning on 6th of May. Stay tuned :)

    World 4 results (2014-04-18)

    End of Doomlord world 4The international competition world, World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has ended. After a fierce competition, the clan Blood Runners emerged as victorious. Congratulations to them and the individual winners! You can see the detailed results here:
    The next competitive world opens on 23rd of April, and launces on 30th after 1 week of preregistration. On this world, you start a level 60 character and can distribute 25 million SE immediately on skills, abilities and equipment :) After this triple-speed world is over, you can transfer your new character to other worlds.

    Spring sale: get a free treasure mega-pack! (2014-04-03)

    Easter egg promotion Easter is near, surprise your friend or your family! Buy ancient stones between 2nd and 16th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!

    If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive a free treasure mega-pack. The items are given only after you choose a player! You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package.
    Click here for further details!

    War of the Hucksters has begun (2014-04-02)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe Doomlord browser game's global event, the War of the Hucksters has started! Good luck everyone!

    Graphic battles (2014-04-01)

    Doomlord graphic battles Dear Players! We are proud to announce an incoming development of the Doomlord browser game. We are making an animated battle engine, where you can duel, dimension gate, and even hunt. Battles will be turn-based real-time, you have to select weapon, spell, pets before each round. Each hunt will give soul-energy only if you defeat that creature (there will be a mini reflex game here to make it more fun), if you can't, you get only XP for the hunt, no SE. We hope you like this new addition!

    Register for War of Hucksters (2014-03-25)

    Doomlord War of HuckstersThe global event of the Doomlord browser game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You have 7 days to register for the event (so even if you are only level 1, you can advance to level 3 in this time). To do so, click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Next Tuesday, when the actual war begins, the registration will be closed! You can start collecting event points from today. Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    The xeno war is over (2014-03-11)

    End of xeno war A destructive battle was fought on the surface of the planet. A merciless war for the fate of the newborn world, between the alien xeno, and the heroes who reconquered the Surface, the doomlords. In the long battle, the doomlords emerged victorious - the gigantic xeno queens died one by one and were consumed by the magical prison. With them, their fierce xenomorph horde died as well.
    Congratulations to the winners, wear your trophies with pride! Please don't forget that to get a xeno fetish, you need to ask the 50 xeno chitin for both rewards, and use the 20 chitin you found during the event as well. On Wednesday, the daily offer will be 10 xeno chitin to those who accidentally lost some.

    The xenomorph are back! (2014-02-20)

    Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!

    The Xeno war started today, on 20th of Feb, 14pm CET (8am EST).
    Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
    Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
    Good luck!
    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    World 4 has started (2014-02-17)

    Doomlord world 4 startedWorld 4 has started! Register and play this competitive world to win medal and ancient stones for your characters on other worlds. Become the most powerful doomlord!

    New World 4 - international competition (2014-02-10)

    Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady!
    The game runs at triple speed. This time, players can register from the Russian, the Slovak and the French servers as well. Although the game language will stay English for everyone, players will be able to transfer prizes to any of the above servers besides the international English server. Please note that no ties are allowed anymore, in case of ties in final rankings, total collected SE will decide.
    More details here

    Ruler of the Planet (2014-02-04)

    Ruler of Planet winner In the past 3 weeks, the doomlords and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. After a fierce struggle, Cruel01 was the first to put on the Mask of Dread and become the Ruler of the planet. All the doomladies and doomlords have fallen to their knees and vowed to worship their new leader. But the peace created by this absolute power is illusionary: in a half year, someone will come and challenge the Ruler of the Planet, and will try to claim the throne for himself...

    The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

    Evolution (2014-01-29)

    Evolution We added a new feature to the Doomlord online game, Evolution! If you can acquire a fetish, and you give it to a lvl 50+ pet, it can ascend into a higher being, and become your immortal servant. Currently, you can find 2 fetish in the game, one is reward for finishing Ruler of the Planet, the other you can get for using 200 temple crystals.
    We start a 2 week mini-event: if you defeat a creature from the Dimension Gate, you can get minion crystals and minion food. Minion crystals increase the experience of minions. You can also get them for temple crystals. Minion food lets your minion devour your other pets for their xp. You can get minion food at the soul-huckster and in various events.
    Additional details on the forum.
    Alongside with this patch, we made it possible that you players can change the picture of their pets under name change. We also modified the ability totals displayed on the duel page, now that total includes any bonuses from medals and minions (but not from items).

    Wednesday maintenance at 12:30 (2014-01-28)

    Tomorrow, on Wednesday, we will have a short patch at 12:30pm CET (EST 6:30 am). It will last for approx. 15 minutes. During this time, you will not be able to log into the game. This is for preparation of adding the new development, Evolution.

    Ruler of the Planet (2014-01-14)

    Ruler of the Planet started The new epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
    Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot.
    Good luck everyone!

    Happy New Year (2013-12-31)

    Doomlord HNY We wish all Doomladies and Doomlords a Happy New Year! We hope you will have at least as much joy in the game as we had in creating and developing it. We are very grateful for your feedback, and we will continue to try to provide you the best service and game experience. We hope to adventure togethet with you in the coming year as well!
    The Doomlord Team

    Chirstmas sale (2013-12-23)

    Doomlord Christmas sale Between 23th and 30th of Dec, beginning and ending at 10am CET (4am EST, 9am GMT) we have a big Christmas sale: the soul-huckster gives 20% discount on the ancient stone price of all his merchandise! The same applies to the special daily offers during this time.

    Also the duration of auctions in the auction house will be 24 hours instead of 72 hours! Grab your unique relics now!

    We will have some special items for this sale at the huckster just during this period. misc. items: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot, lesser hunter's loot, berserker potion. some new level 20 and 60 special focus crystals. And some new surprise relics! Look for them at the huckster!

    Finally, we will keep track of the ancient stones you spend on this sale. Depending on the amount you spend, we will give you Christmas gift packs, look for them on the daily routine page.

    Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time.

    We will continue to give support during the holidays. Please also do not forget about our Christmas present event which ends on 2nd of January.
    We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords!
    The Doomlord Team

    Landragor imprisoned (2013-12-17)

    Landragor imprisonedAfter three weeks of struggle, the evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned by the brave doomlords and doomladies! The members of the ruby horde did the most efforts, glory to them!
    All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button! Congratulations to all!
    The next event coming up is Ruler of the Planet on 14th of January. Also don't forget our Christmas promotion: send a gift to a friend or family member in Doomlord!

    Christmas presents (2013-12-11)

    Christmas presents Surprise your friend or your family! Buy ancient stones between 11th of December and 2nd of January, and send a present to a choosen character!

    If you buy ancient stones during this period, you can choose a character in the ancient stones menu to receive the item rewards. You can give them to any character, including yours. You can buy several packages, but one player can receive only ONE package. Click here for further details!

    Santa Claus has arrived (2013-12-06)

    Santa Claus Santa Claus is here! Hunt, duel, challenge, fight Landragor's guardian, and find gifts from Santa Claus! Only today, on 6th of December. The gifts are waiting for you!

    World 4 results (2013-11-29)

    Winers of Doomlord world 4 The world 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has ended. The clan Winter has won the competition and became the world's dominant clan! Congratulations to them and the other winners! You can see the results here:

    World 4 results

    The return of Landragor (2013-11-26)

    Landragor returns Six months has passed since the doomlords have re-imprisoned the evil dragon, Landragor. Now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. The news came that he broke free again. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. Hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

    Today starts the Landragor event of the Doomlord online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle where the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

    Compensation package (2013-11-15)

    Doomlord compensation package Dear Players, due to the problems with the merge, we decided to give out a compensation package to all players. This package includes:
    5 christmas cakes, 6 duel potions, 1 enchanted pet food, 5 burnt-out ancient stones, 2 shards of royalty, 5 white crystal potions. for clan members who don't have Tree of Knowledge also +100 energy bricks. For lvl 24+, an additional 2 lesser dimension door stimulator and 5 golden ducats, for level 60+ an additional 5 AA points.
    All players can claim this package on the daily routines page (even new players). You can claim it for 1 week (so you can decide when to use energy bricks), this option will disappear after 1 week if you didn't claim it.

    Server merge finished (2013-11-13)

    Doomlord worlds merged Dear Players! We finished merging the 3 worlds of Doomlord. When logging in, you still have to specify your original world. The auction house, the Lady Alvariel and the top lists are now merged. If players had the same name on different worlds, W2 chars get a postfix of _W3, W3 characters _W3 after their name. Tomorrow we will give every such player a token they can use to rename their characters for free. Identical clan names got this postfix too. The clan leader should contact customer support if they require their clan name to be changed. If you have any questions, problems regarding the merge, please feel free to contact us via the Help button, or write on the forum. Thanks for your support! The Doomlord Team

    Horde Wars final results (2013-11-06)

    Doomlord Horde Wars is overThe Doomlord online game's new epic event, the Horde Wars is over! The sapphire horde emerged victorious, with 240 points. The ruby horde came second, with 209 points. With a fierce race, the diamond came in third with 180 points, followed by the emerald, with 161 points. We sent out the medals already. You can exchange your horde trophies without time limit. Congratulations to all!
    The next event coming up is Landragor, beginning on 26th of November.

    Worlds merge beta test (2013-10-31)

    Doomlord worlds merge Dear Players, we finished the programming of the worlds merge. You can test it out at
    You can log in with the same username, password, and world number as in the normal game. Your original character was copied there, you can play it independently from the nromal game.
    See more details here, on the forum

    The Horde War has begun (2013-10-16)

    Doomlord Horde Wars has begunThe Doomlord online game's new event, the Horde Wars has begun! Players of any level can participate. Conquest the biggest territory for your horde, collect treasures and trophies from the defeatd opponents, gain the final rewards, the horde medals! The event lasts for 3 weeks. During this time, you can buy the war pack under daily offers to help you survive. Update: now you can complete the stun repeatable quest as well in this event!

    The War of the Hucksters is over (2013-09-24)

    Doomlord War of the hucksters is overThe global event of the Doomlord online fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters is over! Archaix won on world 1 and 2, Edralian won on world 3. Go and claim your well-deserved fabolous rewards under War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Congratulations to the winners!
    The Doomlord Team.

    The War has started (2013-09-03)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe War of the Hucksters has started! Good luck everyone!

    Register for world4! (2013-08-30)

    Doomlord world 4 launchThe registration for the World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game is now open! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady! The game runs at triple speed. The greatest clan will rule them all!
    More details here

    War of the Hucksters registration begins (2013-08-27)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You have 7 days to register for the event (so even if you are only level 1, you can advance to level 3 in this time). To do so, click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Next Tuesday, when the actual war begins, the registration will be closed! You can start collecting event points from today. Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    Xeno War - victory (2013-08-22)

    End of xeno war A destructive battle was fought on the surface of the planet. A merciless war for the fate of the newborn world, between the alien xeno, and the heroes who reconquered the Surface, the doomlords. In the long battle, the doomlords emerged victorious - the gigantic xeno queens died one by one and were consumed by the magical prison. With them, their fierce xenomorph horde died as well. The last queen was destroyed on 22th of August on World 1! Congratulations to the winners, wear your trophies with pride!

    World 4 winners (2013-08-11)

    End of Doomlord world 4The World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has ended. After a fierce competition, Moxxi has emerged victorious, achieving level 76 and an ability total of 2206, and answering 9631. Immortal reached the highest skill total with 2415, also possessing a lvl 124 pet, and completing 593 adventures. Ghost army reached the highest SE difference, Esthajnalcsillag the highest damage. Gasgamar completed the most quests. As a reward, the winners can transfer their new awesome characters to any other world and continue playing with them. Players can also choose to transfer only their ancient stones and medals of glory to a different world. Congratulations to all!
    Please see more details here

    Tree of Knowledge (2013-08-07)

    Tree of Knowledge We added a new feature to the Doomlord online game which helps players to build clan buildings faster, and also gives a new goal to high-level players. Once a server has at least one lvl 25 Pyramid of Glory, players will begin receiving energy bricks for hunting, dueling and challenging. You can also buy the bricks in the shop. The clan with the lvl 25 Pyramid can start building the Tree of Knowledge from bricks. They get the energy bricks from other players in exchange for the soul-energy they spend on building. The Tree of Knowledge gives numerous rewards each time a clan member levels up.
    The lower level players who produce the bricks, get soul-energy for their bricks which they can spend on building. This way, new and mid-level characters can progress with building requirements much quicker. Please note that the clan members who already have a Tree of Knowledge do not receive energy bricks for hunting and dueling anymore.
    Furthermore, the clan quest "build 10 levels" becomes easier, since building a level 5 Tree to level 6 immediately counts for 6!
    We hope you like this new addition to the game.

    Birthday promotion (2013-07-31)

    Birthday promotion We would like to celebrate Doomlord's 4th birthday with a fantastic promotion!

    If you buy one of the packages below between 31th of July and 13th of Aug with a single payment, you get a gift package worth 20-30% of the ancient stones you buy! You get a gift package only for your first purchase per character.
    Also, during this time, you can puchase the following items at the soul-huckster: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot.
    Gift packages:

    80 EUR (1600 ancient stones): 40 archgems, 10 enchanted pet food, 10 divine potions, 2 temple wands, 8 lesser dimension door stimulators, 100 bad luck points, 50 luck coupons, 12 hunter's loot
    40 EUR (750 ancient stones): 20 archgems, 5 enchanted pet food, 5 divine potions, 1 temple wand, 4 lesser dimension door stimulators, 50 bad luck points, 25 luck coupons, 6 hunter's loot
    20 EUR (350 ancient stones): 10 archgems, 2 enchanted pet food, 2 divine potions, 1 temple wand, 2 lesser dimension door stimulators, 25 bad luck points, 10 luck coupons, 3 hunter's loot
    8 EUR (100 ancient stones): 5 archgems, 1 enchanted pet food, 1 divine potions, 1 lesser dimension door stimulator, 10 bad luck points, 3 luck coupons, 1 hunter's loot
    2 EUR (20 ancient stones) or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment: 1 divine potion, 1 Luck coupon, 1 hunter's loot

    We hope you like this birthday celebration! Of course you will get the usual cake each day for 1 week (1st of August to 8th of August) on your first logon :)

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    The Xeno Invasion (2013-07-25)

    Xeno war The all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!

    The Xeno war started today, on 25th of July, 14pm CET (8am EST).
    Once every half year, a swarm of xenomorphs pour to the Surface, led by gigantic xeno queens. In the past years, the doomlords always succeeded defeating the creatures in a vicious fight, but could never destroy them entirely. The remaining xenomorphs continue to breed in the depth, so they can attack again when their numbers are strengthened.
    Now it's time! Face the xeno queens and claim the glory by defeating them! To participate, you must be at least lvl 3.
    Good luck!
    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Ruler of the Planet winners (2013-07-10)

    Ruler of Planet winners In the past 3 weeks, the doomlord and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. On World1 of Doomlord, Dolp13 was the first to reach the highest level of the dreaded building. On world2, Ardent emerged victorious, just barely overtaking Cruel01, the previous champion. On world 3, Sergoth won, keeping the seat he earned the previous year. This time world 4 elected a Ruler to, with the name Moxxi. The Rulers of the Planet have put on their Masks of Dread. Thousands of doomlords have fallen to their knees and vowed to worship their new leaders as gods. But the peace created by this absolute power is illusionary: in a half year, someone will come and challenge the Ruler of the Planet, and will try to claim the throne for himself...

    The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

    Ruler of the Planet started (2013-06-18)

    Ruler of the Planet started The new epic event of the Doomlord fantasy game, the Ruler of the Planet has started! Once every 6 months, this competition gives a real challenge to the players who fight for fabulous prizes. You get reward for completing each level. Also those who are the fastest will have additional prizes. The event lasts for 3 weeks. You can use only one decree per day (but if you didn't use it a day, you can use it on the next).
    Attention! During the event, you can buy the following items at the soul-huckster: potion of happiness, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, locked chest, hunter's loot.
    Good luck everyone!

    Ruler of the Planet coming (2013-06-11)

    Ruler of the planet in 1 week Half year ago, there was a fierce competition to decide who will be the Ruler of the Planet, who will sit on the throne seated at the top of the Pyramid of Dread. Now the time has come. Doomlords are gathering at the base of the dark building, preparing to conquest the pyramid again. Many are looking for the soul-hucksters, who sell packages of dread in secret. These packs can provide a valuable advantage in the coming tournament, which begins in 1 week...
    The competition begins soon. Who will be the first to reach the top?
    Attention: This time, until day X of the event, you can only use a total of X royal decrees.

    Start a level 60 character! (2013-06-05)

    Doomlord level 60 worldYou can register now for the new fast world in the Doomlord fantasy game. It begins in 6 days, Tuesday at 14 pm CET.
    Click here and register! Start a level 60 doomlord, distribute 25 million soul-energy any way you like! Do you have a friend, who wants to join or restart since long, and was waiting for the start of a new world? Now is the time! The best players can transfer their characters to other world.
    See the rules here. Have fun playing playing!

    Landragor re-imprisoned (2013-05-30)

    Landragor imprisonedAfter three weeks fo struggle, the evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned by the brave doomlords and doomladies! The winning hordes were:
    w1: Ruby
    w2: Ruby
    w3: Sapphire
    All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!
    Congratulations! The next event coming up is Ruler of the Planet. Stay tuned!

    Landragor returns... again! (2013-05-10)

    Landragor returns... again! Half year has passed since the brave doomladies and doomlords strenghtened the prison of the evil dragon, Landragor. But now they know, that the prison won't hold forever. Landragor gains strength rapidly, and is able to break out after 6-7 months of fight. But now everyone is prepared for the coming disaster. When the gigantic dragon breaks free, hundreds stand ready to launch the energy of the pylons to quickly re-build the prison and re-capture the evil creature.

    Today the Landragor event started in the online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle in which the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics! To participate in the event, click on the dragon icon next to your portrait.

    French Doomlord launches (2013-04-29)

    Doomlord French version We are happy to announce that the French language version of our fantasy browser game, Doomlord launched today, at 14 pm CET! You can register to the game here:
    If you speak French, this is your opportunity to start a new character on a brand new world, and be among the first to conquer it.
    Have fun playing,
    The Doomlord Team

    Results of The map event (2013-04-25)

    Doomlord: The map event is over The 30 days role-playing event, The map has ended! The sequence is as follows.




    See further details ingame, under the Misc button, The map.

    Map event started (2013-04-03)

    Doomlord: The map relaunchedMap event started! The event will last for 21 days.
    Click here for more details!

    Doomlord April developments (2013-04-01)

    Doomlord April developments Today, we added the following changes to the Doomlord online game:
    - We added the following rewards to the ultra-rare prizes of Wheel of fortune: belt of toughness, scarab of death, auction ticket, and the items under the Relics button. Also you can buy a new item, ebony luck coupon at the soul-huckster. It always gives a rare or ultra-rare prize (limited to one per day).
    - By your request, we made subplasma duels more interesting. From now on, in these battles you lose HP and SE like in normal battles.
    - To reward advancement, we added XP reward for changing dress/equipment. There are new tasks and temple quests for this.
    - The soul-huckster sells a new item, the cruel crystal. When you duel, you use it automatically. The defeated doomlord's highest ability permanently decreases by one, and yours increases by one.
    - Pet evolution. If during a duel your opponent's pet loses consciousness, there will be a chance that he loses that pet permanently. If this happens, your pet gains a new special ability. You can find the description of the ability next to the ability's name after you acquire it. Power of the ability depends on the level of the killed pet.
    We hope you like these changes.

    Happy Easter! (2013-03-31)

    husvetitojas Happy Easter to everyone and have a good rest! To celebrate Easter, we bring you some Easter fun: on Sunday and Monday, the boys (ie. Doomlords) visit the girls (ie. Doomladies) and sprinkle them, and get eggs in exchange. Of course all this will happen Doomlord style :)

    Map event preregister (2013-03-28)

    Doomlord: The map relaunchedWe announce a new map event! You can register for it under Misc: The map. The deadline for registration is 4th of April, 14pm GMT+1 (8am EST). The event will last for 30 days. IMPORTANT: Once the event has started, you cannot register! You can win fabolous prizes, so don't miss it!
    Click here for more details!

    World 4 start (2013-03-26)

    Végzetúr gyors világToday launched the Doomlord online game's new world 4. At the registration, choose world 4. This world runs at triple speed compared to the other worlds.

    Springer Action (2013-03-25)

    Christmascake Surprise your friend or your family! Buy ancient stones between 25th of March and 8th of April, and send a present to a choosen character!


    20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
    1 Hunter's loot, 1 Luck coupon, 1 Easter Egg

    100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
    5 Archgems, 1 Hunter's Loots, 1 Temple Wand, 10 Burnt-out ancient stones 3 Luck coupons, 1 Easter Egg, 2 Shards of loyalty, 3 Temple crystals

    350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
    10 Archgems, 3 Hunter's Loots, 1 Temple Wand, 20 Burnt-out ancient stones 10 Luck coupons, 3 Easter Egg, 6 Shards of loyalty, 8 Temple crystals

    750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
    25 Archgems, 7 Hunter's Loots, 2 Temple Wand, 50 Burnt-out ancient stones 25 Luck coupons, 7 Easter Egg, 14Shards of loyalty, 17 Temple crystals

    1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
    50 Archgems, 15 Hunter's Loots, 2 Temple Wand, 100 Burnt-out ancient stones 50 Luck coupons, 15 Easter Egg, 30 Shards of loyalty, 35 Temple crystals

    Please note that one player can receive only one package of gifts!

    The opportunity is alive from 25th of March (GMT+1 time, check the time on the bottom of the page). If you use an instant payment (bank card, paypal, onebip) you will have the option to give the present immediately. For delayed payment methods (bank transfer) you get the option when the money arrives. The bank transfer have to arrive between 25th of March and 8th of April to be eligible to give a present. You can give the present when you like, but no later than 30 April.

    You can find details in ancient stones menu and on the forum!

    Launching w4 (2013-03-20)

    Doomlord lvl 60 worldWe are launching a new world in the Doomlord fantasy online game very soon, on 26th of March, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can already register for it. World 4 runs with triple speed (you gain SE, you rest, regenerate 3 times faster, you can attack 3 times more etc), but it's not more expensive, because you get 2,5 times more ancient stones for the same price!
    This world has some special rules, which you find under the W4 info menu.
    The game lasts until a clan fulfills the victory condition. The members of the winning clan, and players who are best in individual categories get reward for their other character (on another world, registered with the same email). The reward is a special medal and ancient stones.
    When world 4 ends, players can transfer their remaining ancient stones their other character on another world, or they can transfer it to the next world 4.
    To register, choose registration, and click world 4 or click this link.

    You can find additional information on the forum, here.

    The war of hucksters is over (2013-03-14)

    Doomlord War of the hucksters is overThe global event of the Doomlord online fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters is over! Archaix won on world 1 and 2, Edralian won on world 3. Go and claim your well-deserved fabolous rewards under War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Congratulations to the winners!
    The Doomlord Team.

    New task system (2013-02-26)

    Doomlord tasks Today we added a new feature to the Doomlord online fantasy game, called "Tasks". You can access the Tasks from the menu to the left. This is a new mini-task system, available already from level 1 so even new players can jump into the action immediately. Also we changed several other things so the game gives more goals and fun for a beginner player:
    • Adventures are now available from level 1 (you can also purchase crystal potions from level 1).
    • Skill are available from lvl 2 instead of lvl 4.
    • We reduced the time of hunt for the first 10 levels: at level 1 it's only 10 seconds, at lvl 2 15 seconds etc. During this time you do not get quiz questions during the hunt (but if you like, you can still answer them in advance).
    Victorious duels award XP*15 soul energy at least, even if you would otherwise receive less (only if you don't have disadvanced development).
    We hope these new changes will make the game more fun for new and veteran players alike.

    War of the Hucksters start (2013-02-21)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters began.

    Have fun!

    The Doomlord Team.

    War of the Hucksters (2013-02-15)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters begins soon! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You have 6 days to register for the event (so even if you are only level 1, you can advance to level 3 in this time). To do so, click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. On 21th of February, when the actual war begins, the registration will be closed! The war begins on next Thursday, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can start collecting event points from today. Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    End of xeno wars in w3 (2013-02-04)

    End of xeno war A destructive battle was fought on the surface of the planet. A merciless war for the fate of the newborn world, between the alien xeno, and the heroes who reconquered the Surface, the doomlords. In the long battle, the doomlords emerged victorious - the gigantic xeno queens died one by one and were consumed by the magical prison. With them, their fierce xenomorph horde died as well. The last queen was destroyed on 4th of February on World 3! Congratulations to the winners, wear your trophies with pride!

    Xeno war has started! (2013-01-15)

    Xeno wars againThe all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!

    In the last war, the army of doomlords destroyed the xeno queens. But the victory was not complete: the remaining xenomorphs fleed to underground caves, and began breeding and multiplying. By now, they are strong enough to swarm to the surface. You have to stop this invasion right now when it begins!
    The Xeno War has started today at 14pm CET (8am EST)! Players of level 3 and up can participate in the event, by clicking on the Misc button in the left menu.

    Good luck!

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Level 60 w4 launched (2013-01-14)

    Doomlord lvl 60 worldFrom today, you launched the world 4 of the Doomlord online rpg game. In the new world you can start a level 60 character! The world 4 launches on 14th of January 2012, 14 pm CET (8am EST), and will run at triple speed. When you register, choose world 4. It will end on 15th of March 2012, 14pm. Winners can transfer their characters to the other permanent worlds for free, others can do the same for ancient stones.

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Level 60 w4 preregistration (2013-01-07)

    Doomlord lvl 60 worldFrom today, you can preregister for the world 4 of the Doomlord online rpg game. In the new world you can start a level 60 character! The world 4 launches on 14th of January 2012, 14 pm CET (8am EST), and will run at triple speed. When you register, choose world 4. It will end on 15th of March 2012, 14pm. Winners can transfer their characters to the other permanent worlds for free, others can do the same for ancient stones.

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Happy new Year! (2012-12-31)

    Doomlord HNY We wish all our Players a New Year rich in success and fun! We hope you will have at least as much joy in the game as we had in creating and developing it. We are very grateful for your feedback, and we will continue to try to provide you the best service and game experience. Don't forget about our Christmas present suprise, this is the last moment to take opportunity of it and get a fabulous relic or give it as a present to a friend. Happy New Year!
    The Doomlord Team

    Merry Christmas! (2012-12-24)

    Doomlord Christmas 2012 We wish a Merry Christmas to all doomladies and doomlords! Between 24th and 27th of Dec, the soul-huckster is selling his potions at a significant discount. Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time.
    We will continue to give support during the holidays. Please also do not forget about our Christmas present event which ends on 3rd of January.
    The Doomlord Team

    Ruler of the Planet winners (2012-12-21)

    Ruler of Planet event winners In the past 3 weeks, the doomlord and doomladies tried to reach the top of the Pyramid of Dread in a deadly competition. On World1 of Doomlord, Demo was the first to reach the highest level of the dreaded building. The corpses of the destroyed pyramid guardians were still warm when the champion has taken the throne erected on the top of the pyramid. On world2, Cruel01 was able to win the race against impossible odds and claim the throne carved from ebony. On world 3, Sergoth emerged as a victor. The new Rulers of the Planet have put on their Masks of Dread. Thousands of doomlords have fallen to their knees and vowed to worship their new leaders as gods. But the peace created by this absolute power is illusionary: in a half year, someone will come and challenge the Ruler of the Planet, and will try to claim the throne for himself...

    The Pyramid will be available for 1 more week so you can claim your rewards in case you forgot to do it, but you can't do any more tasks.

    4 royal decrees in the Pyramid of Dread and new Relics (2012-12-15)

    Doomlord Ruler of planet This is the last week for Ruler of the Planet. We would like to help those players who want to finish more levels, but are unable due to their low level. Therefore on the last week, you are allowed to use 4 decrees instead of 3 per row in the Pyramid of Dread.

    Another news: we have added 4 new relics under the Relics button: Temple decree, Hunter's bow, Symbol of advancement and Purple essence converter. Have a good game!

    Christmas present (2012-12-14)

    Christmascake Surprise your friend or your family! Buy ancient stones between 14th of December and 3rd of January, and send a present to a choosen character!

    Christmas presents:

    20 ancient stones: 2 EUR or 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
    1 Relic coupon, 1 Christmas cake

    100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
    2 Relic coupons, 3 Luck coupons, 1 Christmas cake, 10 Burnt-out ancient stones, 2 Shard of loyalty, 3 Temple crystals

    350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
    3 Relic coupons, 10 Luck coupons, 3 Christmas cakes, 20 Burnt-out ancient stones, 6 Shard of loyalty, 8 Temple crystals

    750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
    3 Relic coupons, 1 Temple wand, 25 Luck coupons, 7 Christmas cakes, 50 Burnt-out ancient stones, 14 Shard of loyalty, 17 Temple crystals

    1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
    3 Relic coupons, 2 Temple wands, 50 Luck coupons, 15 Christmas cakes, 100 Burnt-out ancient stones, 30 Shard of loyalty, 35 Temple crystals

    Please note that one player can receive only one package of gifts!

    The opportunity is alive from 14th of Dec (GMT 1 time, check the time on the bottom of the page). If you use an instant payment (bank card, paypal, onebip) you will have the option to give the present immediately. For delayed payment methods (bank transfer) you get the option when the money arrives. The bank transfer have to arrive between 14th of Dec and 3th of Jan to be eligible to give a present. You can give the present when you like, so even if you purchase the stones on 19th of Dec, you may opt to give the present only on 24th.

    You can find details in ancient stones menu and on the forum!

    Ruler of Planet (2012-11-30)

    Doomlord Ruler of planet Years passed since the Doomlords had taken back the Surface and destroyed the last guardians of the Enemy. They faced other challenges since that time: they imprisoned the enraged giant dragon, Landragor and defeated the xenomorph army. Now the time has come to decide who is the most powerful to be respected as their Ruler. Who will be the almighty new emperor of the planet? The Pyramid of Dread rises above the horizon since a thousand years, a memento of the time when the Enemy ruled the surface. So far, the evil building brought death to everyone who tried to climb to its topno one was able to make it to the top alive. But now, this is a challenge, all must face: whoever gets to the top first, will be the Ruler of the Planet...

    The event itself launches on 30th of November, and lasts for 3 weeks, until 21st of December.

    The Ruler of Planet is available in the Misc menu.

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Package of Dread (2012-11-23)

    Package of Dread As a preparation for the Ruler of the Planet event, we added the Package of Dread to the soul-huckster. This package contains 1 archgem, 1 luck coupon, 1 potion of dueling, 1 hunter potion and costs 3 ancient stones. You can buy it only once per day, but it is available via a quick-button on the daily routines page as well. The package will be sold only until the end of the event. Also during the event (but only during this time) you can purchase the unique items locked chest, hunter's loot, potion of happiness, monster cocktail and enchanted pet food at the soul-huckster. The Ruler of the Planet event will begin in a week, on Friday, at 14:00 CET (8:00 EST, 13:00 GMT).

    Landragor has been imprisoned (2012-11-15)

    Landragor imprisonedThe evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned on 15th of November on all worlds of the Doomlord online fantasy game! The winner horde:
    w1: Ruby
    w2: Emerald
    w3: Sapphire
    All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!

    World 4 victory! (2012-11-01)

    Doomlord world 4 overThe World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has ended. After a fierce competition, Biangkerok has emerged victorious, achieving level 79, an ability total of 2369, a level 88 pet and 10089 correct quiz answers during the competition! As a reward, Biangkerok and the other winners can transfer their new awesome characters to any other world and continue playing with them. Players can also choose to transfer only their ancient stones and medals of glory to a different world. Congratulations to all!
    Please see more details here

    Server maintenance (2012-10-26)

    Doomlord new game design This weekend, the Doomlord server will be coming down for a scheduled maintenance for an hour, between 01:55 and 03:05 CET on Sunday (16:55-18:05 PST Saturday, 19:55-21:05 EST Saturday).

    Landragor returned (2012-10-19)

    Landragor returns Troubling news from the north: Zarknod's magically imprisoned bastard, Landragor, the cursed giant dragon broke out of his prison. His agents, the dracons appear frequently near manapylons. You can see them often in the night sky, as they focus energy through the pylons. The disaster is happening again! You need to work together and close Landragor's prison!

    Today the Landragor event started in the online role-playing game! Get ready for the tough battle in which the bravest heroes will be rewarded with special relics!

    Daily routines (2012-10-15)

    Doomlord Customer ServiceWe are happy to announce a new development, "Daily Routines" completed. When you log into the game, the Daily Routines screen will come up (you can also access this screen from a button under Informations). The Daily Routines page will collect everything that you usually do/check out each day during your login, with corresponding hotkeys.

    So you will see here:
    Latest news from forum and main page
    Buy potions hotkey
    Acquire 2 ducats for 5 APts
    Manaconstruction (if your clan has a dedicated building selected by yellow, it will show as well)
    Wheel of Fortune hotkey
    Countdown to free Specialization change
    Countdown to soul-well discharge
    How long your premium membership lasts
    Which helm shards you collected today

    Once-a-day things which you used already will be greyed out.

    There will be also a new button, Loyalty bonus. You can claim a loyalty bonus once each day. You can get the bonus if you logged in during the previous day as well.

    Have fun playing!

    Landragor was freed from prison (2012-10-08)

    Landragor the giant dragonIn your bones, you feel a change. Cold winds blow, your skin tingles as it was touched by invisible tentacles. This must be connected to Zarknod, somehow... You ask your horde leader about this. He informs you that the drakolder lord is traveling between the planes to ensure that the Enemy never returns to Ghalla. What you feel is the presence of Landragor. The mad giant dragon was imprisoned for his sins by his own father, Zarknod, before the arrival of the Enemy. Landragor was called the Curse of Land. He was the most vicious and evil villain of the old world. During Zarknod's sleep, his prison weakened. And when the drakolder left this world, Landragor was able to release himself. By now, the giant dragon caused a terrible destruction on the north, and is getting closer to the doomlord settlements. Soon, you have to do something...

    On 16th of October, a new event will begin in the Doomlord online rpg game! Prepare for the vicious battle, where the bravest heroes shall win fabled artifacts!

    Results of The map event (2012-10-05)

    Doomlord: The map event is over The 30 days role-playing event, The map has ended! The sequence is as follows.




    See further details ingame, under the Misc button, The map.

    New Customer Service (2012-09-26)

    Doomlord Customer Service Dear Players,
    We are pleased to announce our new Customer Service system. You can reach it via the yellow higlighted Help button in the upper right corner. You can submit tickets, upload screenshots, check if your request is being processed, and look back all conversations. You don't have to send email anymore, no chance for our answer getting lost or going into the spam. We shall answer all requests in 1 working day.
    We hope this new feature will improve your playing experience and will make you more satisfied with our game.

    Auction house open in w4 (2012-09-17)

    The auction hall has been opened in w4!

    Server maintenance (2012-09-15)

    On Monday (17th of Sept) at 11am CET (5am EST, 10am GMT, 2am PST) Doomlord will be unavailable for a short time (approx 10 minutes). We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Last chance to buy unique items (2012-09-13)

    Doomlord birthday promotion last chance Dear Players! This is just a warning, that the limited offer to buy the special items at the soul-huckster will end tomorrow. So you have only 1 day left to buy locked chest, potion of happiness, monster cocktail and enchanted pet food. Grab this last chance before these unique items are gone from the shop!

    Map event started (2012-09-04)

    Doomlord: The map relaunchedMap event started! The event will last for 30 days.
    Click here for more details!

    Level 60 world started! (2012-08-30)

    Doomlord lvl 60 worldToday launched the Doomlord online game's new world 4, where players can start level 60 characters. At the registration, choose world 4. This world runs at triple speed compared to the other worlds, and end on 31st of October, 2012. Winners can transfer their characters to the other permanent worlds for free, others can do the same for ancient stones. Create your character now!

    Map event preregister (2012-08-29)

    Doomlord: The map relaunchedWe announce a new map event! You can register for it under Misc: The map. The deadline for registration is 4th of September, 14pm GMT+1 (8am EST). The event will last for 30 days. IMPORTANT: Once the event has started, you cannot register! You can win fabolous prizes, so don't miss it!
    Click here for more details!

    Level 60 w4 preregistration (2012-08-24)

    Doomlord lvl 60 worldFrom today, you can preregister for the world 4 of the Doomlord online rpg game. In the new world you can start a level 60 character! The world 4 launches 6 days after the preregistration, and will run at triple speed. When you register, choose world 4. It will end on 31st of October, 2012, 10am. Winners can transfer their characters to the other permanent worlds for free, others can do the same for ancient stones.

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Chat (2012-08-24)

    Doomlord lvl 60 world From today, you can use the Domloord online game's chat.

    You can chat your clan mate, your own world's characters, all characters and private chat.

    You can hide, resize, configurable ... More details here, on the forum.

    Have fun!

    The war of hucksters is over (2012-08-16)

    Doomlord War of the hucksters is overThe global event of the Doomlord online fantasy game, the War of the Hucksters is over! Archaix won on world 1 and 2, Innatlozad won on world 3. Go and claim your well-deserved fabolous rewards under War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Congratulations to the winners!
    The Doomlord Team.

    Doomlord patch notes (2012-08-07)

    Doomlord patch notes August 2012 With today's patch, we added several new features to the Doomlord online rpg game.
    Completely redesigned character page and inventory, with added comfort functions, less clicking and less scrolling.
    Tasks in the Temple of Doom have been changed and made easier based on player feedback.
    We added the new comfort function, Wired Reflexes to the game under Misc: Acceleration.
    Pawn of Royalty is available in the Relics shop now. See more details on the forum.

    Server maintenance (2012-08-06)

    Tomorrow, on 7th of August, the Doomlord server will be coming down for a scheduled maintenance for an hour, between 10:00 and 11:00 CET (01:00-02:00 PST, 04:00-05:00 EST, 09:00-10:00 GMT). We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    War of the hucksters (registration) (2012-07-12)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters begins! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You have 1 week to register for the event (so even if you are only level 1, you can advance to level 3 in a week). To do so, click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. After 1 week, when the actual war begins, the registration will be closed! The war begins on next Thursday, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can start collecting event points from today. Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    Alchemy laboratory and essences (2012-06-18)

    Xeno wars again Here you can find a detailed guide on how the Alchemy laboratory works in the Doomlord online game and what are the different essences and how to use them.

    Xeno war has started! (2012-06-06)

    Xeno wars againThe all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!

    In the last war, the army of doomlords destroyed the xeno queens. But the victory was not complete: the remaining xenomorphs fleed to underground caves, and began breeding and multiplying. By now, they are strong enough to swarm to the surface. You have to stop this invasion right now when it begins!
    The Xeno War has started today at 14pm CET (8am EST)! Players of level 3 and up can participate in the event, by clicking on the Misc button in the left menu.

    Good luck!

    You can find additional details here, on the forum.

    Landragor has been imprisoned (2012-05-24)

    Landragor imprisonedThe evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned on 24 May on all worlds of the Doomlord online fantasy game! All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!

    New payment - Ukash (2012-05-14)

    Doomlord new payment We added a new online payment method, Ukash, to purchase ancient stones. See details under the Ancient stones button. Have fun playing!

    World 4 has started (2012-05-10)

    Doomlord world 4 launchToday the World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game has started! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady! More details here

    Spring Gift Package (2012-05-03)

    Spring promotion Buy ancient stones between 3rd and 17th of May in the Doomlord online rpg game and you will get our Spring Gift Package! If you buy ancient stones during this period, you get the gifts described below.
    You get a Gift Package depending on the amount of stones you buy:
    350 ancient stones: 35 luck coupons + 1 temple wand + 3 friendship crystals
    100 ancient stones: 10 luck coupons + 1 temple wand + 1 friendship crystal
    less than 100 ancient stones: 3 luck coupons + 1 temple wand

    See further details of the promotion and the description of the reward under the Ancient Stones menu or on the forum.

    Launching w4 (2012-05-03)

    Doomlord World 4 We are launching a new world in the Doomlord fantasy online game very soon, on 10th of May, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can already register for it. World 4 runs with triple speed (you gain SE, you rest, regenerate 3 times faster, you can attack 3 times more etc), but it's not more expensive, because you get 2,5 times more ancient stones for the same price!
    This world has some special rules, which you find under the W4 info menu.
    The game lasts until a clan fulfills the victory condition. The members of the winning clan, and players who are best in individual categories get reward for their other character (on another world, registered with the same email). The reward is a special medal and ancient stones.
    When world 4 ends, players can transfer their remaining ancient stones their other character on another world, or they can transfer it to the next world 4.
    To register, choose registration, and click world 4 or click this link.

    You can find additional information on the forum, here.

    Landragor was freed from prison (2012-04-24)

    Landragor the giant dragonIn your bones, you feel a change. Cold winds blow, your skin tingles as it was touched by invisible tentacles. This must be connected to Zarknod, somehow... You ask your horde leader about this. He informs you that the drakolder lord is traveling between the planes to ensure that the Enemy never returns to Ghalla. What you feel is the presence of Landragor. The mad giant dragon was imprisoned for his sins by his own father, Zarknod, before the arrival of the Enemy. Landragor was called the Curse of Land. He was the most vicious and evil villain of the old world. During Zarknod's sleep, his prison weakened. And when the drakolder left this world, Landragor was able to release himself. By now, the giant dragon caused a terrible destruction on the north, and is getting closer to the doomlord settlements. Soon, you have to do something...

    On 24th of April, a new event will begin in the Doomlord online rpg game! Prepare for the vicious battle, where the bravest heroes shall win fabled artifacts!

    Temple of Doom (2012-04-19)

    Temple of Doom Today we added to the Doomlord online rpg game the long-awaited new feature, Temple of Doom. You can find it in the left menu, under Actions. It is available from level 1. In the temple, you get tasks, which have to be completed in 2, 3 or 4 weeks, depending on your level. If you complete all tasks you get a fabolous treasure!
    See details under Temple of Doom button and on the forum!

    New developments (2012-04-01)

    Doomlord new developments Today, we added the following changes to the game:
    - You can buy soul-energy from the soul-huckster. Each day, the first 100,000 SE costs 5 ancient stones, the next 100,000 costs 10, the next 15 etc.
    - The Citadel of Destruction's max level have been increased to 30. The additional levels allow the clan to destroy the buildings of another clan, but with strict limitations! You can destroy only the buildings of a clan which have more buildings than you. At level 21, only 1, at level 30, a maximum of 10 levels of a given building can be destroyed, and you can do this only once a day.
    - To protect weaker characters, we added a potion to the soul-huckster, lesser defense potion. Using this, you get +100% bonus to all abilities if your attacker's ability total is at least 150% of yours.
    - The earlier limitation of attack range depending on level difference has been erased. From now on, you can a doomlord of any level, even a level 100 can attack a level 1. This will help players to detach from the theory of SE/XP, and XP became now the most valuable resource.
    - Corresponding with this, we added to the shop "level-draining" focus crystals. If you damage your opponent with such a weapon or spell, he/she will lose XP, and you will get a specified portion of that.
    We hope you like these changes.

    server down (2012-03-27)

    Dear Players! Due to technical problems of our hosting site our server was not available today for a period of time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    New AA abilities and buildings (2012-03-14)

    Doomlord new buildingsToday we added 4 new AA abilities to the Doomlord online game (Lone hero, Useful hunt, Modesty, Soul-diamond) a new building (Energy sanctum) and added new levels to two existing buildings (Scrying orb and Catalyst).

    Doomlord helms (2012-03-09)

    Doomlord helms We are pleased to announce that we have added helms to the Doomlord online rpg game! From level 80, you can start collecting helm shards if you possess the proper AA ability. If you have enough shards, you can buy your favorite helm at the soul-huckster, and you can even customize it with your favorite focus crystal.
    See more details on the forum.

    Wheel of fortune (2012-03-06)

    Wheel of FortuneToday we introduced a new development to the game, Wheel of fortune. You can find it at the Soul-huckster, under the Wheel of fortune label. You can turn at even at level 1! You can do it once a day for free, and twice more for 2-2 ancient stones. Enjoy!
    Find additional information on the forum.

    Map event registration (2012-02-21)

    Doomlord: The map relaunchedWe announce a new map event! You can register for it under Misc: The map. The deadline for registration is 28th of Febr, 14pm GMT+1 (8am EST). The event will last for 30 days. IMPORTANT: Once the event has started, you cannot register! You can win fabolous prizes, so don't miss it!
    Click here for more details!

    Doomlord plans for 2012 (2012-02-17)

    Doomlord Plans Doomlord plans for 2012

    We are continually developing the game in 2012. We are adding a system of daily quests to help new players to start the game. Helms, a new alternate quest system, wheel of fortune are just a few things which are coming soon. New buildings, new AA abilities and others will follow. Here is the planned schedule for the events:

    War of Hucksters 28th of Jan - 7th of Feb
    Map event 28th of Feb - 27th of Mar
    Landragor 18th of Apr – 9th of May
    World 4 24th of Apr – 24th of Jun
    Xeno wars 22nd of May. – 12th of Jun
    War of Hucksters 3rd of Jul – 24th of Jul
    60. level World 4 11th of Jul. – 11th of Sep
    Map event 7th of Aug. – 6th of Sep
    Landragor 18th of Sep. – 9th of Oct
    World 4 25th of Sep. – 25th of Nov
    Xeno Wars 13th of Nov. – 4th of Dec
    60. level World 4 13th of Dec – 13th of Dec

    Have fun!
    The Doomlord Team

    War of Hucksters results (2012-02-14)

    Doomlord War of the hucksters resultsThe global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters ends! Archaix won in the W1, Archaix won in the W2, and Archaix won in the W3. You can choose your reward, if you click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. Congratulations to the winners!
    The Doomlord Team.

    Clan quests (2012-02-03)

    Doomlord Clan quests Today we added a new feature to the Doomlord online game: clan quests! The prerequisite for clan quests is to build up a new building, castle to level 25. As soon as it is done, you will have a new button, clan quests on your clan page where you will get additional information.
    Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    War of the hucksters: new end of date (2012-02-01)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersWe decided to extend the War of the Hucksters event! The war ends on 14 February, Tuesday, 14pm CET (8am EST). Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    New relics (2012-01-20)

    New relics Today we added a new relic to the game: Frozen heart amulett. It gives +50 to continuum diminution skill. This way even lower level doomlords can attack more often the same target, making it easier to reach the desired score. You need at least level 1 continuum diminution to use it. The soul-huckster sells it for 25 ancient stones.

    War of the hucksters (registration) (2012-01-10)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters begins! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You have 1 week to register for the event (so even if you are only level 1, you can advance to level 3 in a week). To do so, click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. After 1 week, when the actual war begins, the registration will be closed! The war begins on next Tuesday, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can start collecting event points from today. Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    End of world 4 (2012-01-02)

    End of Doomlord world 4 The world 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has ended. The clan GREEN has won the competition and became the world's dominant clan! Congratulations to them and the other winners! You can see the results here:

    World 4 results

    Happy New Year (2011-12-31)

    Doomlord HNY We wish all our Players a New Year rich in success and fun! We hope you will have at least as much joy in the game as we had in creating and developing it, and reading the positive feedbacks from you, for which we are especially grateful. And at least, don't forget about our Christmas present suprise, this is the last moment to take opportunity of it and get a fabolous relic or give it as a present to a firend. Happy New Year!
    The Doomlord Team

    Merry Christmas! (2011-12-24)

    Doomlord Christmas 2012 We wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all doomladies and doomlords! Between 24th and 27th of Dec, the soul-huckster is selling his potions at a significant discount. Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time.
    We will continue to give support in email during the holidays. Please also do not forget about our Christmas present event which ends on 31th of December.
    The Doomlord Team

    Christmas surprise (2011-12-16)

    Doomlord Christmas present Surprise your friend or your family! Buy ancient stones between 16th and 31th of Dec, and send a present to a choosen character! See additional details under the ancient stones menu or on the forum..

    Championship: to the last blood (2011-12-08)

    Championship: to the last blood We are adding a new type of championship to the game, Championship to the last blood! It will be organized in the middle of the month, 2 weeks after the normal championship, so from now on, you will have championship twice a month. This tournament is very similar to the conventional championship, but here spell and melee rounds are repeated until one combatant loses all hit points.
    Read more about this new challenge on the forum! You can sell your blue championship's medal in auction hall only to Monday.

    New payment (2011-12-02)

    Doomlord new payment We added a new online payment method, Onebip, to purchase ancient stones. See details under the Ancient stones button. Have fun playing!

    End of xeno wars in w2 and w3 (2011-11-22)

    End of xeno war A destructive battle was fought on the surface of the planet. A merciless war for the fate of the newborn world, between the alien xeno, and the heroes who reconquered the Surface, the doomlords. In the long battle, the doomlords emerged victorious - the gigantic xeno queens died one by one and were consumed by the magical prison. With them, their fierce xenomorph horde died as well. The last queen was destroyed on 20th of November on World 3 and on 21st of November on World 2. Congratulations to the winners, wear your trophies with pride!

    Xeno war has started! (2011-11-02)

    Xeno wars The new big event of the Doomlord online role-playing game, the Xeno War has started today at 14pm CET (8am EST)! Players of level 3 and up can participate in the event, by clicking on the Misc button in the left menu. Good luck!

    New item: memory box (2011-10-30)

    Memory box We added a new relic to the Doomlord onlire rpg game, the memory box, available from level 40. You can use it to store 200 APts in it and release it later when you need it. You can have only one at a time.

    Xeno invasion (2011-10-27)

    Xeno wars againThe all-successful event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the Xeno invasion is here again!
    In the last war, the army of doomlords destroyed the xeno queens. But the victory was not complete: the remaining xenomorphs fleed to underground caves, and began breeding and multiplying. By now, they are strong enough to swarm to the surface. You have to stop this invasion right now when it begins! You have one week to prepare, then the xeno armies arrive, and the bloody war begins, on 2th of November, 14pm CET (8am EST).
    You can find additional details here, on the forum.


    Doomlord new game design This weekend, the Doomlord server will be coming down for a scheduled maintenance for an hour, between 01:55 and 03:05 CET on Sunday (16:55-18:05 PST Saturday, 19:55-21:05 EST Saturday).

    Quiz Olympics tomorrow! (2011-10-24)

    Doomlord Quiz Olympics Due to some technical problems the quiz olympics did not run on 21-22/Oct as was planned. We are running it again on the next 2 days (25-26/Oct) so everyone can participate. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and wish everyone good luck! You can reach Quiz Olympics under the Quiz menu.

    Xeno war continue (2011-10-24)

    Xeno wars The next big event of the Doomlord online role-playing game, Xeno wars continue on 2. November 2011. Players of level 3 and up can participate in the event! Good luck!

    World 4 has started (2011-10-13)

    Doomlord world 4 launchToday the World 4 of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game has started! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady! More details here

    Doomlord world 4 preregistration (2011-10-06)

    Doomlord World 4 We are launching a new world in the Doomlord fantasy online game very soon, on 13th of October, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can already register for it. World 4 runs with triple speed (you gain SE, you rest, regenerate 3 times faster, you can attack 3 times more etc), but it's not more expensive, because you get 2,5 times more ancient stones for the same price!
    This world has some special rules, which you find under the W4 info menu.
    The game lasts until a clan fulfills the victory condition. The members of the winning clan, and players who are best in individual categories get reward for their other character (on another world, registered with the same email). The reward is a special medal and ancient stones.
    When world 4 ends, players can transfer their remaining ancient stones their other character on another world, or they can transfer it to the next world 4.
    To register, choose registration, and click world 4.
    You can find additional information on the forum, here.

    New russian doomlord world (2011-09-28)

    Doomlord Russian Dear Player!
    We are launching a new Russian world in the Doomlord fantasy online game very soon. You can register for the beta test here:

    Landragor has been imprisoned (2011-09-25)

    Landragor imprisonedThe evil giant dragon, Landragor has been finally imprisoned on 24/Sept on all worlds of the Doomlord online fantasy game! All participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones, special relics and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!

    Doomlord birthday! (2011-09-19)

    Dear Player! We are celebrating the 2nd birthday of Doomlord from Monday (19th of September) to Sunday (25th of September). During this period, each day the first time you log in you will get a birthday cake (look for it under healing potions). Additionally, if you purchase ancient stones during this time, you get +20% as a gift. If that wasn't enough, for your first purchase during this time you will get a medallion of doom, a unique artifact which gives +1 building skill and -1 sec to hunting time. Happy birthday!


    Landragor the giant dragon Landragor event started!

    Server maintenance 15-16:15 (2011-08-22)

    Today, between 15pm and 16:15 CET (9am EST, 6 am PST) the server will be coming down for a maintenance. Thank you for your patience.

    Landragor the giant dragon (2011-08-19)

    Landragor the giant dragonIn your bones, you feel a change. Cold winds blow, your skin tingles as it was touched by invisible tentacles. This must be connected to Zarknod, somehow... You ask your horde leader about this. He informs you that the drakolder lord is traveling between the planes to ensure that the Enemy never returns to Ghalla. What you feel is the presence of Landragor. The mad giant dragon was imprisoned for his sins by his own father, Zarknod, before the arrival of the Enemy. Landragor was called the Curse of Land. He was the most vicious and evil villain of the old world. During Zarknod's sleep, his prison weakened. And when the drakolder left this world, Landragor was able to release himself. By now, the giant dragon caused a terrible destruction on the north, and is getting closer to the doomlord settlements. Soon, you have to do something...

    On 25th of August, a new event will begin in the Doomlord online rpg game! Prepare for the vicious battle, where the bravest heroes shall win fabled artifacts!

    Server maintenance (2011-08-17)

    On Friday, from 13pm CET to 16pm (7-10am EST, 4-7am PST) the server will be coming down for a maintenance, the game and forum will be unavailable for this period. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    End of world 4 (2011-07-30)

    End of Doomlord world 4 The first world 4 of the Doomlord fantasy game has ended. The clan RED has won the competition and became the world's dominant clan! Congratulations to them and the other winners! You can see the results here:

    World 4 results

    The Map event ends on Saturday (2011-07-13)

    Map event ends soon The map event in the Doomlord online game ends on Saturday, 16th of July, at 14pm CET (8am EST). You cannot switch team in the last 24 hours, so you can do it only until Friday, 14pm CET (8am EST).

    New named unique opponents! (2011-06-30)

    Doomlord: dimension door nameds We did a major patch today, it includes the following developments: named dimension door opponents dropping unique focus crystals (from level 80), interrupt kennel training function (for premium players), new AA abilities, new megaessences and more.
    You can find details on the forum, here.

    World 4 – auction hall (2011-06-24)

    The auction hall has been opened! If you are at least level 24, an Auction hall button will show up in the left hand menu. In the AH you can get gold ducats and bid for fabulous relics, unique treasures. In the first 2 weeks only ducats can be collected, bidding starts after 2 weeks.

    Map event - round 3 (2011-06-09)

    Doomlord: The map event round 3You can register from today for The Map event of the Doomlord fantasy rpg game. The registration lasts for 1 week, the event itself lasts for 30 days. You can register for it under Misc: The map. IMPORTANT: Once the event has started, you cannot register! You can win fabolous prizes, so don't miss it!
    Click here for more details!

    New feature: quiz categorization (2011-05-30)

    Doomlord Quiz Categorization Today we added a new feature for the quiz fans in the Doomlord online rpg game. Besides answering the quiz questions, now you have the option to categorize them as well. If you categorize a question correctly, you receive soul-energy as reward. Additionally, we count correct categorizing on your character sheet. For every 250 such points, you get a quiz medal, up until 2000 points (but the total number of your quiz medals still cannot exceed 12). How do we determine if you categorized a question correctly? We wait until a number of players categorized a given question (this can be several days!) The question will go to the category which the most players choose, and those players get the SE reward. The reward is added every night, under Recommendations.
    Here is the forum topic for the quiz categorization.

    Quiz Olimpic restart tomorrow on world 4 (2011-05-23)

    Unfortunately the Quiz Olympics did not run on world 4, so tomorrow it will be restarted. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    War of the hucksters (results) (2011-05-18)

    War of the hucksters resultsThe new global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters has ended! Katherin, Ericath, Marietta and Agnaesh have met to discuss peace terms. To avoid further bloodshed, the territory was divided between them in proportion to their victories. On world 1 and 3 the followers of Agnaesh emerged victorious, on world 2 the followers of Marietta prevailed.
    See more details HERE, on the forum
    At the end of the event, every participating doomlord and doomlady receives their well deserved reward from their lady. Congratulations to everyone! You can claim your reward under Misc menu, War of the Hucksters -> Rewards button.

    Word 4 Launched! (2011-05-17)

    War of the hucksters results World 4 of the Doomlord online game has started! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady! See more details HERE, on the forum

    Doomlord world 4 preregistration (2011-05-10)

    Doomlord World 4 We are launching a new world in the Doomlord fantasy online game very soon, on 17th of May, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can already register for it. World 4 runs with triple speed (you gain SE, you rest, regenerate 3 times faster, you can attack 3 times more etc), but it's not more expensive, because you get 2,5 times more ancient stones for the same price!
    This world has some special rules, which you find under the W4 info menu.
    The game lasts until a clan fulfills the victory condition. The members of the winning clan, and players who are best in individual categories get reward for their other character (on another world, registered with the same email). The reward is a special medal and ancient stones.
    When world 4 ends, players can transfer their remaining ancient stones their other character on another world, or they can transfer it to the next world 4.
    To register, choose registration, and click world 4.
    You can find additional information on the forum, here.

    The Quiz Olympics reloaded! (2011-05-06)

    Doomlord Quiz Olympics The Doomlord online game's favorite feature, the Quiz Olympics is finally back! We finished the programming of the new system. It prevents the use of exploits / scripts, but requires flash on your computer (so you can't do it from your cellphone). The first new Quiz Olympics will start tomorrow and lasts for 2 days. You can enter under the Quiz menu.

    War of the hucksters (registration) (2011-04-18)

    Doomlord War of the huckstersThe new global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters begins! To participate, you must be at least level 3. You have 1 week to register for the event (so even if you are only level 1, you can advance to level 3 in a week). To do so, click on the War of the Hucksters icon in the Misc menu. After 1 week, when the actual war begins, the registration will be closed! The war begins on next Tuesday, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can start collecting event points from today. Have fun! The Doomlord Team.

    server maintenance (2011-04-15)

    Today, approx. at 23 CET (17 EST) plus/minus 30 mins the server will be coming down for a short maintenance, it will last for approx. 10 minutes.

    Familiars and relics (2011-03-29)

    Familiars and relicsWe added a new button to the game options (to the left, on the bottom), Relics. Through this button you can reach a new page with Lady Alvariel's relics and familiars. This was an earlier promotion from the original servers, which we made accessible to the international server now. Here, you can purchase some unique artifacts and pets for your character in the Doomlord fantasy online game.

    End of xeno wars (2011-02-23)

    End of xeno war A destructive battle was fought on the surface of the planet. A merciless war for the fate of the newborn world, between the alien xeno, and the heroes who reconquered the Surface, the doomlords. In the long battle, the doomlords emerged victorious - the gigantic xeno queens died one by one and were consumed by the magical prison. With them, their fierce xenomorph horde died as well. The last queen was destroyed on 21st of Feb on World 1 and on World 2, and on 23th of Feb on World 3. Congratulations to the winners, wear your trophies with pride!

    Xeno wars (2011-02-04)

    Xeno wars The xenomorph brought to our planet by the Enemy are only pests in their home world. But here, these cruel, wicked and nearly indestructible creatures are almost as big a menace as the Enemy itself was. They breed at an incredible rate, they do not fear anything, and they devour everything. Now their number has reached a critical number, and they formed an army under the command of their queens. They march to wipe out the newly born civilization. The earth shakes as the gigantic queens break out from the deep near the clan cities. They vomit up hunderds of xenomorph warriors as they crawl forward with their tentacles. You have to stop them!
    The new big event of the Doomlord online role-playing game, the Xeno War has started! Players of level 3 and up can participate in the event, by clicking on the Misc button in the left menu. Good luck!

    Today launched the first Slovak server (2011-01-19)

    Today, at 10 am starting the the new Slovak doomlord server: ! HERE TO REGISTER!

    Happy New Year! (2011-01-01)

    Doomlord HNY We wish you a Happy New Year, rich in soul-energy, victories, adventures and artifacts!

    Merry Christmas! (2010-12-23)

    Doomlord Christmas Christmas events in the Doomlord rpg game: between 24th and 27th of Dec, the soul-huckster is selling his potions at a significant discount. Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec (GMT+1), peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time.
    We wish you a Merry Christmas,
    The Doomlord Team

    The map event relaunched (2010-11-30)

    Doomlord: The map relaunchedWe announce a new map event! You can register for it under Misc: The map. The deadline for registration is 6th of Dec, 15pm GMT+1 (9am EST). The event will last for 30 days. IMPORTANT: Once the event has started, you cannot register! You can win fabolous prizes, so don't miss it!
    Click here for more details!

    New buildings, alternate advancement and other improvements (2010-11-18)

    Alternate advancement Today we had a huge patch, and added many improvements to the game. We have added nw buildings to the clans, and many existing buildings received new functions. Pets can have their own skills now, and you can collect essences to give yourself temporal boost, or to combine them for permanent benefits. Players from level 60 can enjoy a new alternate advancement system, they can collect AA points and develop unique abilities. We added new relics to the game and many comfort functions. See the full list on the forum, here, in the news section.

    Scheduled patch (2010-11-17)

    Doomlord new patchTomorrow the Doomlord server will be coming down for an hour for a scheduled patch, between 10 and 11 AM GMT (02:00 AM - 03:00 AM PST, 05:00 AM - 06:00 AM EST). We are going to patch up many new developments and game features. See the complete list on the forum.

    scheduled maintenance (2010-10-28)

    This weekend, the Doomlord server will be coming down for a scheduled maintenance for an hour, between 00:55 and 02:05 GMT on Sunday (16:55-18:05 PST Saturday, 19:55-21:05 EST Saturday).

    Zarknod has been awakened (2010-10-16)

    Doomlord Zarknod awakenedThe mighty triklem drakolder has been awakened on all 3 game worlds of the Doomlord online game! The curse has been lifted, and all participants were rewarded with bonus abilities, burnt-out stones and other rewards. Claim your reward under the Misc. button!
    World 1: Zarknod has been awakened on Sept/25.
    World 2: Zarknod has been awakened on Oct/13.
    World 1: Zarknod has been awakened on Oct/15.

    World 3 – auction hall (2010-10-12)

    The auction hall has been opened on world 3 of the Doomlord online game! If you are at least level 24, an Auction hall button will show up in the left hand menu. In the AH you can get gold ducats and bid for fabulous relics, unique treasures. In the first 2 weeks only ducats can be collected, bidding starts after 2 weeks.

    Lady Alvariels medallions (2010-10-05)

    Lady Alvariel's medallion The lady of the soul-hucksters, Lady Alvariel decided to reward the most devoted doomlords and doomladies. She announces a contest. Doomlords and doomladies can participate regardless of their level. Each contest begins after the championship, and lasts until the next championship. Winners will be awarded special medallions of the lady. See more details here, on the forum!

    Zarknod's awakening (2010-08-16)

    A new event begins today: Zarknod's awakening. The event is available on all 3 worlds for characters level 3 and up. To access the event, log into the game, and click on the Misc button. Good luck with awakening legendary creature!
    The Doomlord Team

    Doomlord birthday! (2010-07-22)

    We are celebrating the 1st birthday of Doomlord from Friday (23th of July) to next Thursday (29th of July). During this period, each day the first time you log in you will get a birthday cake (look for it under healing potions). Additionally, if you purchase ancient stones during this time, you get +20% as a gift. If that wasn't enough, for your first purchase during this time you will get a medallion of doom, a unique artifact which gives +1 building skill and -1 sec to hunting time. Happy birthday!

    World 2 – auction hall (2010-06-24)

    The auction hall has been opened! If you are at least level 24, an Auction hall button will show up in the left hand menu. In the AH you can get gold ducats and bid for fabulous relics, unique treasures. In the first 2 weeks only ducats can be collected, bidding starts after 2 weeks.

    World 3 has launched! (2010-06-15)

    Doomlord world 3 launch World 3 of the Doomlord online game has started! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady!

    preregistration for world 3, the peaceful world (2010-06-08)

    Doomlord: world 3 The Doomlord online fantasy game is launching a new, peaceful world in a week, on 15th of June (13pm GMT, 8am EST). The rules of this world differ a bit from the rules of world 1 and 2, because this world prefers character advancement (pve) more than player-vs-player. Grab the opportunity and be part of a new Doomlord world from the very beginning! See more details here, on this link.

    Special offer for new players (2010-06-03)

    Doomlord special offer We would like to offer an opportunity for new players to acquire free ancient stones, a free premium shield, and a special unique relic. If new players buy ancient stones, they will get 20% more ancient stones for free, and they'll also get a bonus Shield of Doom and a unique relic: Locket of the Tireless. (If you buy 20 ancient stones, you will get +4 ancient stones for free, and you'll also get a bonus Shield of Doom. If you buy 100 ancient stones, you will get +20 ancient stones for free, and you'll also get a bonus Shield of Doom AND a unique relic: Locket of the Tireless. If you buy 350 ancient stones, you will get +70 ancient stones for free, and you'll also get a bonus Shield of Doom AND a unique relic: Locket of the Tireless.) New players may take advantage of this offer only for two weeks from the day of their registration! This offer applies only to the first purchase.

    Results of The map event (2010-05-07)

    Doomlord: The map event is over The 30 days role-playing event, The map has ended! On world 1, the team of Ericath has emerged victorious. Her followers were rewarded with the golden belt of specialization. Agnaesh placed second, Marietta placed third. On world 2, the team of Agnaesh won, earning a golden horn of power. Marietta placed second, Ericath was third. Unfortunately, Katherin's team finished last on both worlds. See further details ingame, under the Misc button, The map.

    Comfort functions (2010-04-19)

    Doomlord comfort functions Under misc/acceleration, we added a new option: Comfort functions. If a premium character buys this option, you get a couple of comfort functions: increase of maximum duel points, marking players on duel screen who are already in the torture chamber, change complete dress with a single click, automatic squeezing of captured animals, a quick button to buy the daily potions for ancient stones, ability to set amount when buying items, auto-stop hunting when you have 10 adventures, and a quick button to send multiple pets to the kennel. We hope you will find these functions useful.

    The map event relaunched (2010-04-14)

    Doomlord: The mapThe map event has started! It will last for 30 days, you can register for it under Misc: The Map button. You can win fabolous prizes, don't miss the fun!

    Confirmation email problem (2010-04-06)

    Some of our players complained that they did not receive the email with the confirmation link (including those who had email at We examined the problem, and were able to fix it. If you still have confirmation problems, please, contact us in email (see the Help button on the left). We will also check through the database in the next days, and send out the confirmation email again to those who couldn't confirm it.

    Ancient stones at discount price! (2010-04-02)

    Doomlord: The map April Ancient Stones Price Explosion Action between 1st and 11th of April - you will get 20% more ancient stones on each purchase during this period. So it is well worth to restock your ancient stones now!
    Today the new game event, The Map is going live on the afternoon. Anyone who is at least level 2 will be able to participate in the event. More details follow soon!
    Make sure you log into the game during Easter (Sunday and Monday). We are running several surprise Easter events ingame! Hopefully you will enjoy them. Have fun!

    Patch notes (2010-03-23)

    We did a small patch today, the aim was to reduce hunt time for new players. The base 5 minute time for hunt was reduced, now it is 1 minute at level 1, 1 min 30 secs at level 2, etc. It is 5 minute from level 9 and up. Also a new player can start more duels without a penalty.

    Recommendation action on world 2 (2010-03-18)

    Doomlord World 2 Recommendation action We are running the recommendation action on world 2 now, for 1 month, until 17th of April. If you recommend the game to a player who registers to the game and continues to advance to level 5, you receive a special artifact! The more people you recommend, the greater is the artifact's power. This is in addition to the normal recommendation bonuses (soul-energy and ancient stones).

    World 2 has launched! (2010-03-12)

    Doomlord world 2 World 2 has started today! Register now and compete on this new world from the very beginning. Become the most powerful Doomlord or Doomlady!

    Additional items in the Auction House (2010-03-10)

    Doomlord new auction items We added two more items to the Auction House to bid on. These are lesser items, so people with fewer ducats have a chance to buy them.

    World 2 preregistration (2010-03-05)

    Doomlord world 2 The preregistration for world 2 has started!
    You can register for the new world here.
    World 2 will have the same rules as world 1. It gives the opportunity for players to start a second character, and play from the very beginning of a new world. The preregistration lasts for 1 week, and W2 will launch on Friday, 12th of March, 13 GMT (8am EST).

    New game design (2010-03-01)

    Doomlord new game design We did a huge patch to the game today. Features include:
    - We have completely redesigned the game in the past month. We hope that you like the change.
    - We added a new feature to duel, challenge. During the challenge, you do not fight, but you do a friendly competition in skills.
    - And many more improvements, you can read more details here on the forum.

    Patch 1st of March (2010-02-27)

    On Monday, 1st of March the Doomlord server will be coming down for a scheduled patch between 9 AM and 10 AM GMT (4 AM - 5 AM EST).

    Clan recruitment (2010-02-20)

    We have added a new feature to clans: recruit members. This is a new button on the clan page. The clan leader can write a message if the clan wants to recruit new members. Whenever someone wants to join a clan, the recruitment messages from clans of the same horde are displayed to him/her.

    Recommendation action! (2010-02-04)

    Doomlord Recommendation action We are running a special recommendation action from 4th of Feb. until 18th of Feb. If you recommend the game to a player who registers to the game and continues to advance to level 5, you receive a special artifact! The more people you recommend, the greater is the artifact's power. This is in addition to the normal recommendation bonuses (soul-energy and ancient stones).

    Adventures (2010-01-13)

    Doomlord Adventures The adventure system is now live! As soon as you reach level 40, you get a new button, Adventures. You can complete fun adventures for special rewards, or you can even write your own ones.

    Happy New Year! (2010-01-01)

    We wish you a Happy New Year, rich in soul-energy, victories, relics and artifacts!

    Christmas events (2009-12-20)

    Doomlord Christmas Christmas surprises: between 24th and 27th of Dec, the soul-huckster is selling his potions at a significant discount. Between noon of 24th of Dec and noon of 25th Dec, peace will take over the world of Doomlord: players will not duel and drain each other's soul-energy, so you can develop peacefully in this period. Pets morale does not decrease during this time.
    We wish you a Merry Christmas,
    The Doomlord Team

    Patch on Wednesday (2009-12-14)

    On Wednesday, the Doomlord server will be coming down for a scheduled patch between 8 AM and 12:30 PM GMT (3 AM - 7: 30 AM EST). Patch notes are listed on the forum, on this link

    New patch coming (2009-12-10)

    Currently, we are preparing a huge patch to the game. First of all, all texts are being re-checked. We are also adding to the game the new features which were introduced to the original Doomlord in the past months. Adventures and many more features will be added soon.

    World 1 – auction hall (2009-12-03)

    The auction hall has been opened! If you are at least level 24, an Auction hall button will show up in the left hand menu. In the AH you can get gold ducats and bid for fabulous relics, unique treasures. In the first several days only ducats can be collected, bidding starts after one week.

    Second championship on Friday (2009-11-05)

    The second Doomlord championship will be held tomorrow, on Friday, 6th of November. Become the champion by entering the tournament, and win a championship medal! See more details on the forum.

    The first championship (2009-09-25)

    The first Doomlord championship will be held on next Friday, 2nd of October. To enter, choose the button "misc" under actions, and then click on Championship. You may enter anytime until 1st of October. See more details on the forum.

    More quiz questions (2009-08-24)

    So far, you could ask your own quiz question only for every 100 questions you answered correctly. For 4 weeks, we lower this limit to 30, so you can ask your question for every 30 correct answers. So if your questions is rejected for some reason, you can write a new one after a short time.

    Quiz Oympics (2009-08-06)

    Congratulations to the winners of the first Quiz Olympics! The winner was Sorcha with 50 correct answers, Obervatory and Dahlia with 49-49 correct answers. The Quiz Olympics takes place once every 2 weeks, the top 3 players get special rewards, quiz medals; but every participant is rewarded with soul energy.

    Name server problems (2009-07-28)

    The webpage was unavailable for approx. 4 hours today due to a problem with the nameservers. We have transferred to a new nameserver, and is up again and running. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Doomlord launches (2009-07-23)

    World 1 of Doomlord is now open! Register and start playing instantly at no cost! Explore the world, hunt monsters and challenge other doomlords!

    Final results of beta test (2009-07-15)

    The triple speed beta server has ended. Thank you for participating! Final results: Highest level character: Beta (45). Highest Ability Scores and Skills Total: Barrique (761 and 587). Highest SE difference, most victory and highest level pet: Endyr (392.4K, 961, and lvl 22). Highest damage: Barrique (1087). Most quests completed: Fultar, Varasz and Endyr (58). Most correct quiz answers: Mromnio (4901). Top builder: Szpaszkij (5.6M). Clans: Most members: Beginners (20). Biggest soul-well and most buildings: Cosa Nostra (400.8K and 119). Most champions and victories: Zan (8 and 12). Epic monsters killed: Beginners, First and Cosa Nostra (2).

    End of beta test (2009-07-13)

    The beta test ends on Wed, 15th of July, approx. 10 am. Thank you very much for testing the English version, and posting your suggestions on the forum. The preregistration for the first world will begin on Thursday.

    World 1 – auction hall (2009-07-07)

    The beta test auction hall has been opened! If you are at least level 24, an Auction hall button will show up in the left hand menu. In the AH you can get gold ducats and bid for fabulous relics, unique treasures. In the first 2 weeks only ducats can be collected, bidding starts after 2 weeks.

    Doomlord beta test (2009-06-22)

    The Doomlord English language beta test begins on 22th of June, 2009, at 13pm. The beta test runs at 3x of normal speed, so all event (hunt, rest, timers) are 3 times faster. If you find any bugs or grammatical errors, typos, please, post it on the forum. The beta test runs for approx. 3 weeks, after which the database will be reset, and preregistration begins. Have fun!